View Full Version : Seeking Asthma/dustmite allergy info for babies/toddlers

11-20-2002, 05:22 PM
My 21 month-old daughter Kasey was just diagnosed with asthma and dust mite allergies and I'm trying to research all of this out as fast as I can. I was given catalogs from our allergy-asthma doctor that feature a wide range of products to deal with the dust mite allergy but I would like to know what products are truly essential for helping her out and which products are over-the-top. Does anyone know of any good websites for allergy and asthma info? It's been a rough week for us and we are just being introduced to these conditions and we are feeling a little overwhelmed. Thanks in advance!

11-20-2002, 08:36 PM
There was an Oprah months ago where it was honoring moms who came up with an invention that went big, and they are now stay at home making big bucks. One of them has a cleaning solution out becasue her child was almost on death's door steps with allergies etc...

I was not pegnant at the time, nor a mommy so didn't really follow that segment too much...but folks were swearing by her product...I wonder if other moms might know what it was.

Maybe event he oprah website (assuming there is one)...

Good luck...