View Full Version : How do I stop baby from biting?

12-17-2002, 07:58 AM
DS is 9 months old and has 6 teeth. It seems like everytime he gets a new one he starts drooling like crazy and biting everything in sight. He has tons of chewing/teething toys. My main problem is that he is starting to bite people. He will lean over and bite hands, arms, legs, faces. Basically anything that comes near his face. He also seems to be making a game of it. Any suggestions on how to get him to stop biting people and stick with his teething toys?
mom to Alexander Thor 3/16/02

12-17-2002, 09:52 AM
What have you been doing? You really do not want to reward this behavior with lots of attention.

I read about a "gentle discipline" technique in my favorite childhood development book, Burton White's "The First Three Years of Life". I have used this for a few behaviors of Sarah's (including biting me once) and it has really worked for us. When the child does the offending behavior, you hold them firmly by the arms so that they cannot move. (Do not hurt them, but you must hold them still!) They will start to cry. After about 5 seconds, say in a very firm but calm voice, something like "We do not bite. If you bite, mommy will have to do this again." And then you let them go. Children that age hate to have their movement restricted which is why this really seems to work. Burton White recommends holding them for 15 seconds, but I have found I do not need to hold Sarah still quite that long to get results. You need to do this EVERY time they do this behavior. Within a few days, you should see improvement.

I have done this for a couple things (hitting my face, pulling off my glasses, pulling the cat's fur) and I save it for situations where someone/somepet is being hurt. I like it because it is firm, but there is no pain, only the mental discomfort of not being allowed to do exaxtly what they want at that moment.

I love the Burton White book and I have found to be very helpful. He says that your goal for the first year is to teach your child that they are loved and that every need of theirs will be met, BUT that their needs are no more important than those of others. It is a hard balance, but I find this "rule" to be very helpful to me as a wade through the daily mire of life with a toddler!

Good luck!!!!