View Full Version : HELP...I need sleep!!!!

12-18-2002, 06:35 PM
I have had difficulty sleeping throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy - No thanks to the raging hormones!! Now that I am almost in the 9th month, my sleep (and, therefore, my husband's) is few and far between. UGH!!!!! I would LOVE to sleep now before the baby arrives - then there will be NO hope! Can anyone recommend anything to help alleviate this? Any little tricks that the OBs do not share??? It is not that I am uncomfortable (I try to limit my fluid intake a few hours before bed and I can still almost sleep prone, so the belly is not the issue) - I just cannot sleep. I have the pillows, the ear plugs, the cozy pajamas...I just need some MAGIC!! For most of the pregnancy I was taking Benedryl at night to not only help combat my allergies but also help with the sleep. I have since discontinued that routine because it hasn't been helping the last few weeks. Please...any suggestions??? (beg...beg)

Thank you (I hope.)

Sharyn (and her sleep-deprived husband)
EDD #1 01.21.03

12-18-2002, 08:21 PM

Here is what I have been doing until weeone arrives at the end of February. My mid-wife suggested I take Bach's Rescue Remedy when I wake up (I usually fall asleep then wake up at 2:00). I've tried this and it has been working. You can get it at any health food store. There is a warning that you whould contact your doctor if you are expecting before use.

The thing that has been really working however is writing EVERYTHING down that I have on my mind before I go to sleep. I'm finishing up Grad School, selling an apartment and soon to give birth, so I've been trying to put everything down on paper so I won't bring it to bed with me.

I hope you find something - but just think this is training for all the wonderful hours you'll be up!


12-18-2002, 10:29 PM
Insommnia is very common during pregnancy. What kind of a design is that?! I had an awful time, too. I second the suggestion for Rescue Remedy. White Chestnut (another homeopathic) is also helpful. I also did a little hypnosis, and that helped. Warm baths with lavender essential oil, chamomile tea, massages as often as you can afford to have them...Hang in there!

Mom to Abigail Rose

12-18-2002, 11:22 PM
Ellen and Rachel,

Thank you for recommending Rescue Remedy. I completely forgot that I have a vial of it from a couple of years back (hopefully it is still potent). I didn't even think about going the "herbal route" - Books always mention to stay away from herbs due to the unknown potencies from "med to med". Thank you for the advice from your midwife :-)

I look forward to hearing more suggestions. In the meantime, I am going to try and locate the RR!! I hate it when I DREAD going to bed.

EDD #1 01.21.03

12-19-2002, 09:33 AM
The caution about herbs is smart. You don't want to just take handfuls of stuff out of jars without supervision. But there are some which have been used for eons in pregnancy and birth, and which are widely used around the world. I found them highly worth it. My midwives also suggested RR and White Chestnut. You can also try an eye pillow scented with lavender, or put some lavender oil in a humidifier in your bedroom. I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Mom to Abigail Rose

12-19-2002, 11:12 AM
talk to your ob, too. some of the temporary sleep aids like ambien are preg class b. sometimes just being able to sleep for a night or two may get you back in the swing of it.

trying-to-conceive :)

12-19-2002, 06:12 PM
While I can't offer any help, I would SERIOUSLY consider talking to your ob, like Shannon said. I just accepted that I wouldn't be able to sleep the last few weeks and it resulted in a terrible labor. The ob at the hospital, when we finally got there (after being in labor for 12 hours and contracting every 3 minutes for 60-90 seconds for 5 hours with serious back labor), said that my body was so overly tired from lack of sleep that it wasn't relaxing enought to let my cervix dilate (I was at a 1). Actually, the first thing he asked was, "Do you feel tense?" I just looked at him blankly and said, "Uh, I'm in LABOR... so, I'd have to say YEAH." Anyway, I'm not trying to freak you out (sorry!), just that do whatever you can to get that sleep, not only because you'll be sleep-deprived later, but because of how it can affect your birth plan. Good luck and happy snoozing!

12-19-2002, 07:24 PM
My doctor gave me Ambien early in my pregnancy when I had trouble sleeping. I have probably taken a total of 8 with 4 of them being the last week. I found I was sleepless at night at the beginning and this past week. The Ambien worked well at the beginning but now I feel no relief from it-I don't know why.

Last night I took a Benadryl (with midwife kudos), due to sleep and this itching I am experiencing on my legs and arms...I slept better than I have the past few days. Again though I have no idea why.

12-19-2002, 11:59 PM
Thanks so much for the advice, everyone!!

The last time that I discussed this with my OB they said the normal things - warm bath, warm milk, lots of pillows, get comfortable, and that Benedryl would be okay, which was already okay'd by my allergist so I was one step ahead. I haven't discussed this with my OB since then due to my taking the Benedryl. I figured that was probably the only "safe" medication to take. The Benedryl has since stopped working as a sedative (not needed for allergies anymore), plus I read somewhere that it should not be taken in the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, so I discontinued it. Thanks to you girls, I will definitely ask about this at next week's appt :-) It never dawned on me that it could affect the birth - I DON'T WANT TO PROLONG IT ANY LONGER THAN NEED BE!!! (OUCH!!)

Unfortunately, my RR is lost - probably still packed away with my massage therapy tools :-( I tried writing down my thoughts before I went to bed last night but that just made things worse :-( Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will definitely try that again next week :-)

Thank you...Thank you! Please keep the suggestions coming.

EDD #1 01.21.03
(1 month and 2 days!!)