View Full Version : New Year's Resolutions?

01-02-2003, 07:11 PM
I've been trying to get on for DAYS to post and now have picked up this old screenname (see the screwy pages post by Joanne). Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone had any New Year's Resolutions? My dad taught me that I had to post in a viewable place my resolutions because if others knew, I'd be more likely to follow through. So here are mine:

1. Keep a better account of Ainsleigh's development and day-to-day antics by writing in the journal Joel gave me for Christmas at least once a week.

2. Have at least one weekend away with just Joel (oh heaven, what could that be like?).

3. I need some type of fitness goal, but don't know how to measure it. I'm ok with my weight (finally), but I don't think I could BE any squishier. Muscle tone? Unless you count my biceps from carrying Ainsleigh in her seat, or my quads from doing lunges with her to get her to go to sleep. But it's really sad. So maybe I'll start with resolving to work out at least 3 times a week. We'll revisit this one in a couple months.

4. I'd like to learn how to knit. I'm not sure where to begin on this one. I guess I'll go find a knitting store?

So what are yours?

01-03-2003, 09:21 PM
Moving this back up to the top. Since my original, the sarahlhill, and a third name no longer work. Anybody have any resolutions to share, or are you all just ignoring me?

01-03-2003, 10:09 PM
I'm not ignoring you Sarah, I just don't have much to report. I always resolve to make more friends, connect more with other people, and be more outgoing. I'm no introvert, but I'm no extrovert either.

Edited to add: I totally jive with the learning to knit thing. We have several really good yarn stores in Northampton that teach all a manner of fiber arts/crafts. I tried to do it last January but was overcome by the logistics of doing it with a small child in tow. I should have done it then though because the logistics of taking a knitting class now, with a 16 month old, are TRUELY overwhelming.

01-03-2003, 10:41 PM
I made no resolutions this year, but I think that yours are very good Sarah! Especially keeping up on the developments thing. But I know that I would never actually keep a journal, so...

I actually taught myself to knit when I was in grad school by using books. I think I taught myself what is known as "English" style rather than "American" style. I gave it up since I couldn't really think of anything useful to do with it other than afghans and sweaters and how many do you really need? Not to mention that good quality yarn is shockingly (at least to my grad school budget) expensive. And crocheting is MUCH faster than knitting. There are some beaustiful crochet patterns, not just those granny squares.

I would really like to find more time to sew. I have made a few things for (my) Sarah and I also quilt. These days I have more fabric than time or energy.

01-03-2003, 11:09 PM

Good luck with your resolutions-they sound realistic enough! For the development, I threw a mini wall calendar up on my fridge and some time during the day or before I go to bed, I try to jot a quick note about something the boys did that day-some days I can't think of anything so I leave it blank, but most days there's some development or antic to put down. Having it on the fridge reminds me to think about it and makes it easy to write down!

My big resolution is to cook dinner and eat as a family most nights. My husband started working 3 nights a week (in addition to his day job)a few months ago and since he did, cooking and dinner pretty much went out the window. We have to eat dinner at 4:00 on those nights! But I'm trying-I got 2 new cookbooks to motivate myself and I'm going to do some crock pot stuff so I can throw it in during the boys' morining nap and forget about it. Check back with me and see how it's going!


01-04-2003, 01:24 PM
Hi Sarah,

I did not make any New Year's Resolutions myself but on New Year's Day I did write down some for Thomas for his baby book! I know it sounds silly, but here they are:

1) Sleep throughout the night, every night.

2) Keep drinking lots of milkies.

3) Sample exotic foods such as peas, carrots and sweet potatoes.

4) Have lots of fun playing with Daddy.

5) Learn to sit up, crawl and walk.

6) Continue to be the sunshine of Mommy's life.

Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!

Lisa (a.k.a. Nigele)
Mommy to Tommy

01-05-2003, 11:18 PM
Hullo! I have not really compiled a true list of "resolutions." I prefer to call them goals. (I have no idea why, but for some reason goals don't seem as daunting.) So here are my goals for the following year.

1. Typical, I would like to start exercising. Not even more, because I just plain don't. But I'm a parent now and I want to be around for a good part of my child's life. Sorry, I know that's a bit morbid, but it's the truth. Oh, and the real reason for this "goal" is that I can finagle a jogging stroller.

2. I would like to start eating better and drinking more water. Again, I'm a parent now and the days of starting off with Lucky Charms and Golden Grahams are over. I need to be a better example.

3. I need to be more patient with my baby boy. Granted, he *is* a handful. But I really want to be the best I can be for him. I have to say, honestly, that he just exhausts me. I feel so bad sometimes, because he's good so infrequently that when he is being okay I tend to just leave him alone so that I can veg. I must say that this one has taken off splendidly and we've had the best week yet. I feel much better about myself. He rolled over! A slight incline may have had something to do with it, but I'm still dating 01/04/03 as his first rollover.

4. I would like to learn how to cook. Something other than mac and cheese.

5. I would like to be more organized, both with my time and with my house.

And last, but certainly not least....And please don't think I'm absolutely awful as a parent....

6. Curse less!! I have a mouth like a gutter and it's horrible. Shawn is slightly worse. I thought that when you had a baby the guttermouth stopped automatically, but that hasn't been the case so far. Here is what we have done to aid us: I found a plastic container with a lid and cut a hole in the top. The lid reads "Sweet Words Fund...No More Cussing!" For every profanity that escapes us, an initialled dollar goes in the bucket. At the end of the week, whoever has the fewest dollars in the till gets to keep them all and do whatever s/he wishes with them. We started on Thursday. I have five dollars in the bucket and Shawn has five times that amount. I'm gettin' my eyebrows waxed!

Okay, I think that's all for now. Wish me luck...Lisa, I love Tommy's new picture!

Edited to add:

Fat chance I should actually use the money for something frivolous! You wanna know what I got with my thirty bucks? Some spoons with soft tips, rice cereal and a diaper genie refill. Oh, and a prescription for some liquid vitamins. Yip.

01-06-2003, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the laugh Joanne!! I remember in Hish School doing something similar re: cursing and I actually found that it worked....! You goals sound great....
I would also like to get in shape, it is just plain embarassing that I still haven't lost my baby weight- 1 year later! :-) so that is my main goal...that and to try and be more patient with Amira even though she is (still) not sleeping through the night, argh.
Glad to be able to post again!!!

01-06-2003, 03:39 PM

Thanks for the compliment on Tommy's new pic! He was happy since he got to visit his Gran in England at Christmas.

01-06-2003, 04:40 PM

I thought Of a way to measure your fitness goal. Have the gym or doctor test your body composition (body fat %) That way you can focus on lowering the body fat and creating lean muscle.

My goal is to lose 20 more pounds. I've already lost 30 (but that from since before I gave birth). I had to work off about 13 of them.
