View Full Version : trouble sleeping on stomach?? (mom, that is!)

01-17-2003, 05:01 PM
Is it the nursing? or the c-section??

I'm nursing my 5.5 month old twins, so my milk supply is a bit ample to say the least. The only time I can sleep on my side (still can't do the stomach!) is in the evening right after their last feed, and that's with lots of down pillows supporting me. Otherwise, it hurts too much, esp. as the am nears.Lately they've been eating 1x during the night which helps. Plus, the scar from my c-section still feels creepy when I lie on my stomach. I'm reluctant to sleep with a bra, even a 'sleeping bra'. Anyone else have these probs? Can sleeping on my stomach cause any damage or other issues to the ducts at all?


twin girls 7.20.02
charlotte & else

01-17-2003, 06:09 PM
I find it uncomfortable, too, and I didn't have a c-section, but I do BF. James usually nurses on only one side, so one side is still somewhat full even after he eats. That makes it uncomfortable to lie on my stomach. After so many months of having to lie on my side, the idea of being on my stomach is really appealing sometimes, but it doesn't seem compatible with breastfeeding. Plus it usually gives me a stiff neck, so I only lie that way for a few minutes, usually!

Mom to James

01-20-2003, 06:19 PM
Sleeping on your stomach could cause plugged ducts, more so if you're prone to having them. I started sleeping on my stomach about 2 months ago (on occasion, not for the whole night) and the most comfy way for me is to have my arms folded up at my sides, so that my palms would be near my face facing down on the bed. It takes some pressure of my chest, so it's a lot more comfortable than if I were to have my arms down at my sides, or up above my head. Maybe you could try it to see how it works.