View Full Version : when do teeth actually come in?

03-10-2003, 12:14 PM
My baby is cutting her first tooth -- I can see the white tip of the tooth in the gum. I have seen it & felt it yesterday and today. Any idea when the tooth actually cuts through or pops up? I am just wondering how long it will be before we see the tooth.

I have read some other posts about medications and would like any advice. She loves to chew on her fingers and my fingers, but not on any teething toys.

Laura's mom 09/14/02

03-10-2003, 01:46 PM
Colin has 8 teeth and they have all come in at varying rates. Some have popped through in a day or two, others have taken WEEKS to emerge. Besides teething toys, Colin's other favorite thing to teethe on is cloth. (His blankey, stuffed animals, etc.)

I *think* he might be working on some molars, but I can't quite tell. And if he is, then these will be the teeth that have taken the longest to come in!

03-10-2003, 03:10 PM
Once you feel it, it usually still takes a few days to actually see it. They gradually emerge more and more.

Sarah HATES any type of teething toy or device. The only thing that works for us is Tylenol or Motrin.


03-10-2003, 06:50 PM
Sigh. If you're at my house, the answer is never. The teeth apparently never come in. They sit there and cause tons of discomfort, then just sit there some more. We use Motrin and the wonderful Boiron homeopathic stuff.

Mom to Abigail Rose

03-11-2003, 12:04 AM
Seriously. I am right there with you Rachel. When did I notice the first tooth? A month ago? It's still there, and it hasn't budged a bit. And now he has one of his front teeth is coming in. Currently we are using my nipples for comfort.

Andrea S
03-11-2003, 12:04 AM

What is the Boiron stuff? How does it work for Abigail? And where do you get it? I feel like Andrew has been teething since Christmas. I forget about it for a week then he has all the symptoms again. Now I feel a bump, but nothing comes through. I am beginning to think his teeth and hair are growing at the same turtle speed. Andrew is going to be in High School before he needs his first haircut :). We are using tylenol and hylands teething pills, but I do not think they are making much difference.

mom to Andrew 8/14/02

03-11-2003, 09:00 AM
You all are scaring me! :-) I can see Laura's tooth, I think, some jagged sharp white things poking through the gum, but no movement (upward, at least) in the past couple days. I'd heard they can appear and retreat. And I hear they come in pairs so I guess another one is waiting in the wings. I just hate to see her hurt so much!

And she chews her hands raw but won't take any teething toy (plastic, cloth, chilled, whatever).

Laura's mom 09/14/02

03-11-2003, 10:05 AM
You can order Boiron homeopathics online, and they're available at many health food stores. They make one called Camilia (in the baby section) which is specifically for teething. We've also found hypericum to be helpful. I just give Abigail a few pellets before naps or bedtime. On the truly awful days, it's not enough, but it does take the edge off until the motrin kicks in. And on the just cranky days, it works.

Mom to Abigail Rose