View Full Version : mystery holes in my clothes

03-18-2003, 09:59 AM
since so many of you read this board, maybe someone has had the same experience and perhaps has the answer.

i have several sweaters and one t-shirt that have tiny holes in the lower front, right about where they touch the button or the front zipper of my jeans. i'm just completely mistified by these holes!!! what caused them, and how can i prevent them from appearing on other things????

one of these sweaters is old (5~6 yrs), two are only a few months old, and the t-shirt is new as well. they are all ribbed-textured and hug my body snugly but not tightly.

i never tuck my sweaters/shirts in, so that's not what caused the holes to appear.

the holes are really tiny, 1~2mm in diameter, and clustered in a group of 4, 5, or 6 (approx.).

the holes in my older sweater did not appear until recently, plus the newer ones got the holes, too, so obviously it's not the age of these items.

does anyone have any idea?????? theory????? help?????

03-18-2003, 10:36 AM
How about moths? If they're a natural fabric, like cotton or wool, moths will eat them. It's the larvae, not the adults. If they're synthetic, I don't have any idea. Moths do make holes that size, though. I'm not sure why they would all be around the same spot, unless it's how you fold them.

Expecting #1 5/27/03

03-18-2003, 08:05 PM
I can't think either, since they're always in the same spot. If it were more to the side I might suggest your seatbelt. DH had a long wool coat a few years ago that wore out on the right side because he kept catching it in the seatbelt in the car.