View Full Version : blood in wet diaper?

04-08-2003, 04:15 PM
This morning I noticed a dime-sized patch of reddish pink on James' wet diaper. The ped first said it was probably vaginal discharge.

Me: "Um, he's a boy."
Ped: "Well, it's probably not that then."

He said sometimes when babies are slightly dehydrated they get "brick urine," which is brick-colored urine, and it could be that. He said just to watch to see if it recurs. It hasn't yet today. Anyone ever have that happen?

Mom to James

04-08-2003, 04:27 PM
That happened to Kellen once when he was about 5 mo. old...I thought maybe he had a sore that popped up or something and caused the reddish tint in his diaper, but examined him carefully and everything was in ship-shape. It only happened over the course of that one day, and never happened again. Maybe if he gets extra hydration-attention for the rest of the day, it'll be a one-time thing?!

Take care,

04-08-2003, 04:39 PM
No suggestions, but sounds like your ped needs to go back to med school! No, doctor, it probably *isn't* vaginal discharge...

I hope that this passes quickly for James!

04-08-2003, 05:30 PM
This happened to us last night! I had never seen it before and it freaked me out. Luckily (I guess) today was Ainsleigh's 1-year check-up, so I asked the Doctor about it. She examined Ainsleigh's "stuff" and said there wasn't an irritation or anything. She also asked if Ainsleigh had been straining, like she was constipated. Nope. She's been happy as happy can be, lately. The other thing, was that there was poop in the same diaper, so I wasn't sure where this red (it was more pinkish - like strawberry yogurt colored. maybe a little darker) was coming from. She said to keep an eye out, and if it happened again, to call her. I asked if it could be vaginal discharge (they tell you when the babies are born that it isn't uncommon for girls to have a little bloody discharge - a "mini-period" sort of), and she said it isn't likely after a couple months. So, I'm keeping an eye out.

ps - when I began reading your post, I thought, "I thought James was a boy... oh, phew, he is!" Nice work, doc...

04-08-2003, 09:55 PM
Our son had this happen many times to him sometime around 4-5 months. It was sort of dull pink, brick colored and there would be little spots in his diaper. The first time, we also thought it was blood. Our ped said it may be uric acid (sp?) and that it's not unusual and not to be concerned. It happened sort of on and off for a few weeks, once every week or so. It was never a lot - just a spot here and there. THey said to keep an eye on it and if he got more than two diapers with spots in a week, to come in. We took one of his diapers in and they looked at it, confirmed it was not blood, took a urine sample from him in the doctor's office, check it and found nothing wrong, and then also had us take several urine samples from him in the mornings just to make sure it was nothing else. He wasn't dehydrated because his wet diapers were pretty heavy and frequent. They really had no explanation for it, other than that it wasn't anything to worry about (especially after the tests) and it went away and we've never had any problems with it again. Our son never seemed bothered by it, although it worried us. But our ped was pretty thorough in ruling out other possible urinary/bladder infections so we were ok in the end. Hope this helps.

04-09-2003, 03:43 PM
The only time we've had this it was "brick urine" when Parker was about 1 week old. We were having nursing difficulties and it turned out he was dehydrated. If I were you, I'd push the fluids...either nurse more or offer more liquids and see if it goes away.

I'm cracking up about the girl/boy mixup! LOL! I guess there are a *couple* of girls named James these days but they're few and far between!!! LOL!