View Full Version : Please LOOK!

07-26-2003, 06:08 PM
I posted here a while back to get some input on a website domain name for my online store. It was between www.fussybutt.com and www.urbantot.com
Although most of you replied that you liked urbantot better we decided to go with www.fussybutt.com because it's easier to remember, and it describes my little girl perfectly! LOL Not really, but it was her nickname for a while.
Anyway, the site is not completely up yet, I have some pages to add and need to get a shopping cart, but I wanted to get some feedback from you all here. I always come here to get opinions on products and stores because it is such a fun and helpful group. So please let me know what you think of the site, and if you have any suggestions TELL ME! You can be totally honest, just don't be mean! ;-)


07-26-2003, 07:50 PM
I like the basic format of the site with the pictures up-and-down the left hand side of the screen on the green background. The fact that you show your products in different settings on different people (I'd add a few of men using the sling) is a very nice touch. I also like the looks of the icons along the top of the page - urban and somewhate retro. I'm not particularly fond of the font you've chosen though. It seems a little clunky and doesn't really provide a visual flow to the page. I might like it better if it were a couple points smaller. I think you're decision to go with a sans serif font is right-on, I personally just don't like this one.

Other things that come to mind...I think you should put a picture of yourself on the "About Us" page. I know there are pictures of you all over the site but I still believe it would be a nice addition. I always get a kick out of knowing what the person I'm doing online business with looks like. My only other critism is that to my eye you've pictured a few people wearing your Uban Tot Tote incorrectly. The sling on the woman pictured under the page header (that's not you, is it?) looks too long and the woman pictured with the black sling has the fabric bunched up around her neck. This may seem nit-picky but if a customer looked at the pictures on you site for guidance as to how to correctly wear the sling they might use it incorrectly thus affecting how well they like your product and whether or not they'd recommend it to others. Just a thought.

Good luck,

07-26-2003, 09:08 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time to really look through the site, I appreciate it. I do plan on working with the font a little, it's not exactly what I want either. Maybe I will try the smaller font size.

The pouch worn by the girl on the main Pouch page IS wearing one that is too long for her! LOL She was my friend here for a visit and I thought I'd add a few photos that were not of me. I didn't even think about what you are noting though, and I totally agree that it's not a good idea to show that image if people want to use it as a guide. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I also thought about adding a photo to the about me page, I just hate all photos of myself (dork.) But it probably would be nice.

You gave me a great critique, thanks one more time! Hopefully I'll get to update it within the next week.

07-26-2003, 09:18 PM
I would agree with all of Sarah's points. I can't tell you how much it bothers me when I see photos on sies that sell slings where the folks are wearing the wrong size sling or wearing the sling incorrectly!

And one more thing. I use Internet Explorer to view web pages and I keep ope a favorites window in the left hand side of the page. The result fo that is that when I lookn at your site, I can't see the entire page on the screen, I have to scroll to the right. I know that's a minor thing, but it really bothers me when I view web pages.

Good luck with your biz!!

07-27-2003, 10:27 AM
I was one of the ones that like fussybutt :)...I'll go look at your site now..
Congrats to you I'm proud of you!!!!

07-27-2003, 04:27 PM
Thanks so much Neve, it's taken me a long time to get things up but I'm proud of what I've done so far.
I do plan on adjusting everything everyone has pointed out to me within a week, especially the incorrectly worn carrier photos. I can't believe it didn't even occur to me that it was a mistake!
This is yet another reason I asked for feedback on this site, I knew you all would be honest and come up with some constructive criticism.

07-27-2003, 08:05 PM
I think it looks great! I like the icons you have chosen for products, how-to, etc. Best of luck with everything! :D

07-28-2003, 12:21 AM
I just eamiled you about the H2O tote!

About the website in general. Other than things already mentioned, I only have a couple of suggestions.

1. Reduce a click by listing your products individually on your home page. You can still leave the icons if you want but also create direct links to individual products from the homepage. Right now, it takes a minimum of two clicks to actually get to a specific product site. Thats not bad but its one click more than necessary. You can leave the general look of the site but add individual links in your text or at the bottom or along the side. But I just love the pictures so I hate for you to remove them for links. And just remember that its OK (and even preferred) to have redundant paths.

2. Take your home page text and put most of it in an About Us page. As a shopper, I really like to get into the product very first thing and that will allow more room for you to add product links.

3. Add a photo gallery. And add TONS of pics. Even if you have to drag every relative and friend with a baby over, it'll add lots of value to your site. And try to get a wide variety of sizes of women (and men.)

4. Also, on your product page. Differentiate the product category font color from the product font colors. Presently, they both default at white until you've linked to the products. It'll make them snap out a bit better.

