View Full Version : rash

08-07-2003, 10:14 PM
Logan has a red rash all over her body. It isn't raised and doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. She has no fever and is not fussy. It's just these little red dots all over her. The babysitter said it has been there all day, but I don't recall seeing it when I dressed her this morning.

Any ideas what it could be? If it was a heat rash, wouldn't it be concentrated where her clothes are tighter or where she sweats? If it was contact dermititis, it would only be where her clothes are or where her clothes don't cover her, right?

I'm going to call the ped in the morning if it is still there. It isn't anything I need to be concerned about, do you think?

I wasn't feeling well yesterday, a fever and general achiness, but I am fine today. Could the rash be a reaction related to me being sick yesterday?

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

08-07-2003, 10:26 PM
It sounds like either fifths disease or "roseola". My daughter had it a few weeks ago, they couldnt tell which virus hers was as there are two different types but, basically its a viral infection that you cant do anything about. For both types, if there is a blotchy pattern about the rash its one type and if its a lacey type pattern its the other, but both of them are just viruses they you have to let run its course. She might have a slight fever, or nothing at all. My ped said to just give her tylenol if a fever arose and to just let it run its course. He said it could be there for up to two weeks, but DD's cleared within a few days. She never complained about anything, no itching etc. I also know that its a common childhood illness that a lot of kids get. From what I recall once the rash breaks out its not contagious and really nothing to be concerned about unless other symptoms arise, which are rare from what I understand. Hope this helps!

08-07-2003, 11:28 PM
Just wanted to let you know that it sounds like a viral rash - it could be any virus, but usually roseola happens when the child has a very high fever (103-104+) for a few days, and then the fever breaks, and the rash comes out. The important thing is to make sure that it is not raised or pin-point little dots all over her body. If she does not have a fever, I would wait to see if she develops one over the next 12 hours or so, but either way bring her in to the peditrician before the weekend, in case it is something more serious. Viral rashes go away on their own and there is nothing to do for them except make the child more comfortable - tylenol, benedryl, etc. A heat rash can be all over the body, but usually it is just in the areas that become sweaty - where the clothes are/in diaper area/creases, etc. A contact dermatitis would also mean that she has to react to something touching her skin, so if it's all over her body, then it might be a new soap/detergent that you are using. Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.


Mother to Leah 10/26/02

08-07-2003, 11:31 PM
What would pin point little dots be? Or maybe I don't want to know because then I will be paranoid haha. It's dots but they run together to make a lace sort of pattern.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

08-08-2003, 06:05 AM
That sounds like fifth's disease. I don't know all that much about it other than while it's fairly innocuous for most, it can cause serious complications in pregnant women. If you are pregnant trying to become pregnant call your o.b. or midwife right away. If you have any pregnant friends who've had contact with Logan recently, tell them to do the same. They can test you to see if you're immune.

Here's a link to an article with more information:


08-08-2003, 10:41 AM
Thanks, I looked at pics of Fifths Disease and it looks like her rash, except that her's is not raised at all, she never had a fever, and never had red cheeks. I have an appointment at the ped this afternoon for her.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03

08-08-2003, 03:44 PM
Just got back from the doctor . . . he says it is a "benign viral rash" and it is not Fifth Disease (no fever, no red cheeks) or Roseola (no fever).

He thinks it could be related to the fever and body aches I had Wednesday night and that she fought it off and it manifested in her as a rash. Whatever it is, she most likely caught it on our travels last weekend. With all the planes we were on, and all the time we spent sitting on planes and in airports, it could have come from anywhere.

Jacob Nathaniel Feb 91
Logan Elizabeth Mar 03