View Full Version : Horrible baby acne...

11-06-2003, 08:48 PM
DS had beautiful skin until he hit 2 weeks. All of a sudden his cheeks got a few little pimples. They weren't bad, but now his entire cheek area and his little chin have the ugly white pimples. We want to take pictures for announcements but I don't want them with all those pimples! Is there anything I can do to make them go away? :(

11-06-2003, 09:00 PM
Have you been using anything new on his face? I know that Julia gets bright red bumps (look like little pimples) when I use regular soap on her face.

Just a thought. Otherwise I am sure time will take care of it. No help for pictures though- sorry.

Mom to Julia 6-13-02

11-06-2003, 10:17 PM
Nash has had awful acne for the last 2 weeks and it is just starting to get better. I tried a little calendula cream about 3 days ago, but I don't know if it worked or if it is just getting better on its own.

Shandelle, I really do believe we're taking care of the same child! Today, DS fed at least 10 times...argh!

11-06-2003, 10:30 PM
Don't worry about it, and don't do anything to it or use anything on it. It's completely normal. My son had the same thing and the ped, the hospital staff, our friends all assured us that it was normal and to just continue cleaning with water and occasional baby soap. Really, it took longer than I'd hoped, but in a couple of more weeks, it was gone. Please don't worry about it. This too shall pass. You may want to delay your pics until then. I hate the pics we have when DS had this, but luckily, none of them was for a the announcements.

11-06-2003, 11:56 PM
When Sophie's face got really bad (it started to look like sunburn), the ped told me to put a little Cortaid on it. Cleared it right up.


11-06-2003, 11:57 PM
Oh yeah-

I forgot. Breast milk supposedly does the trick too.


11-07-2003, 12:09 AM
This is totally normal, as other posters have mentioned. It is often caused by the mother's hormones (from pg) exiting the baby's body and will pass without any interverntion within a few weeks.

We took photos for baby announcements during this time, baby acne and all. We used Naptime Productions (a wonderful company) who include re-touching in their prices. So no acne in our pictures!

& Jack, 4/20/01
& Little brother-to-be, e.d.d., 12/15/03

11-07-2003, 03:20 PM
DD had acne too the first couple months. It's totally normal and I didn't do anything to clear it up. If you can enhance the pictures, great, but I don't think there's anything wrong with sending photos of your beautiful baby even with acne. I'm sure he is beautiful!

11-07-2003, 04:48 PM
Seasoned photographers know that between 3-6 weeks is the time to avoid taking pictures of babies unless you can handle having the acne showing. It is absolutely common and will resolve on its own. Putting breastmilk on it can make it less noticible, but it will not totally be gone until about six weeks.

11-07-2003, 05:00 PM
Thank you everyone. I am *trying* to not let it bother me. LOL! Hopefully it will be gone soon so my little boy can look like a baby and not a hormonal teenager! LOL!

11-07-2003, 05:18 PM
This happened to me w/both boys..with DS #1, I was putting lotion on his little hands, which were getting dry and flaky- then he'd touch his face and out came the pimples.

My sister, who is in nursing school, told me not to do that when DS#2s hands got flaky- she said I was moisturizing the flakes and keeping them around longer; instead, she recommended I use the textured side of a damp washcloth and gently rub his hands and face to exfoliate. DS#2s infant acne cleared right up, and his hands have been soft ever since!

Good luck,