View Full Version : Ellen is having..."episodes"

11-16-2003, 10:22 PM
Hello Everyone!

I sometimes feel as though my sweet Ellen is posessed. She is merrily chewing on her caterpillar rattle and then....WHAM! All out crying terror with tears and ear splitting screams. We've been thinking it was teething pain and gave her baby orajel, baby tylenol, and gripe water, and she is soon comforted and smiling again. BTW, my mom said I cut my first tooth at 4 months.

Has any of your children experienced this? What do you do to ease their pain?


11-16-2003, 10:31 PM
Yup- DS#2 started cutting teeth at 3mo and the first two were actually in by 4mo...I love, love, love the First Years Teething spoons- they're great for him to bite on, help his hand-eye coordination, and he's already figured out how to put a spoon in his mouth himself (I attribute this to DS#1 being an early self-feeder, so it's a definite side benefit)!

Also, Charlie likes to chew on damp, cool washcloths (upon suggestion of some other wise mommies on these boards).

Best wishes for little Ellen and her parents!

11-17-2003, 12:23 AM
Kiki does this, too! She was an early teether (got her first 2 in at 11 weeks). It's so startling, because it's just like you said, she'll be happily chewing on something, and then all of a sudden...WAAAH...like she hit a sore spot or something. What worked for us---Hyland's teething tablets. Someone here on the boards suggested this method, take a tablet add a few drops of water to make a paste, rub on gums. Kiki would stop crying almost immediately. The tylenol was very hit and miss. I've heard that Motrin works better, but our ped doesn't like Motrin for babies under 6 months.

mommy to Kiki 4/18/03