View Full Version : Do babies get headaches?

12-03-2003, 03:28 PM
My 3.5 mo. old has been a little cranky the past few days (very unlike him) and he's grabbing at his head and furrowing his brow. He's also taken to rubbing his cheeks and putting everything he can get his hands on inside his mouth. I've been checking his temp. and it's normal, so I'm not too worried. But all he wants to do is sleep (not that I mind), and it's out of character.

Could he have a headache and if so, could it be teething-related? Can babies teethe this early?

I'm just confused, because normally, he's ust so pleasant-tempered, and he hasn't been lately.

Any thoughts?

Mother of Gabe, 16 weeks old


12-03-2003, 04:38 PM
Could be teething (mine teethed at 3 months) but could also possibly be an ear infection. I'd keep an eye on it and maybe call your ped. Teething generally makes them sleep less, not more. The extra sleepiness makes me think you should call your ped, but others here have more experience than I.

Mom to Norah 5/23/03

12-03-2003, 05:20 PM
Is he congested? Could be a sinus infection??


12-03-2003, 06:17 PM
If the sleeping and head grabbing is out of character, I'd call the ped just to be safe. He might have an ear infection or some other such thing. I know they don't always treat ear infections, but at least you can get some reassurance about whether it's normal or not.