View Full Version : OMG - I've gone crazy

12-12-2003, 10:20 AM
I think I've posted 7 times in the last half hour on the lounge and once on the Reality Layette section as well (that's all I can recall right now, perhaps I've done more).

Sheesh, someone might think I'm a troll!! LOL.

I usually just check these boards while pumping, but I logged on to post something specific and have gone nuts. It's Friday and my boss is out today.... shame on me! Sometimes DH teases me and says I go to work so that I can just surf the net. People like me are the reason that companies need to monitor internet use (we don't do that here... at least not that I'm aware of!).

I'm going to stop now. Have to go drop off some film for developing.

12-12-2003, 10:32 AM
Hee, hee, it's addictive, isn't it??? I find I go in spurts - I may not post at all for a few days and then I will post 4 times in an hour. I'm about to hit the 1000 post-mark and compared to others, that is a low number!