View Full Version : This is a little bit of an "out there" conception question...

01-04-2004, 10:37 PM
Warning...this has to do with another crazy conception theory...Dh and I have just begun ttc #2. No luck this past month, so I think I am going to turn to Robitussin. Before I began ttc #1, I had a conversation with a co-worker who swore that both of her children had been conceived while she was taking Robitussin to help things along. She didn't know why it may have helped and I shrugged it off. However, I decided to try it and that month I conceived.
(I used to joke that we should name the baby "Robby." http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/fam/fam06.gif[/img])
Has anyone heard of this or any other interesting ideas? I'm curious to hear what others think may have helped them conceive. I am settling in for what may be a long wait, so I figure I might as well try anything!

01-04-2004, 10:43 PM
i'm pecking one handed...but i'm buying robitussin tomorrow if the case:)...now i have heard egg whites help the little critters swim!!!!...i've never used them though!!!
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-04-2004, 10:48 PM
I believe the theory behind taking Robitussin while trying to conceive is that it thins out cervical mucus thereby making the swim upstream for sperm that much easier. I've no idea if the practice actually increases a woman's chances of conceiving.

I'd suggest looking at Toni Weschler's "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" for ideas on increasing your chances of conceiving. This is the book that suggests using egg whites as a lubricant because it most closely mimics the "properties" of cervical mucus.

01-04-2004, 10:55 PM
Yep, the robitussin thing is actually in Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It has to be plain Robitussin, no additions to it. The theory is that b/c it is an expectorant...it increases your cervical secretions in the same way it increases/loosens up respiratory secretions. Most robitussin has decongestant in it too, and that defeats the purpose...dries everything up...so make sure it's plain if you are going to try :) I think I've tried everything in the past (nearly a) year that we've been trying, and the month I did get pregnant was the first month I used the robitussin.

My best advice is to get Toni Weschler's book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

01-04-2004, 11:02 PM
Maybe this is so obvious you're already doing it, but we used an ovulation predictor and got pregnant the first time we used it. Good luck to you!

01-04-2004, 11:19 PM
Something else I read recently in a medical magazine, is that most lubricants out there actually kill off tons of sperm (including KY, Astroglide, etc.) The only one that doesn't is called "Pre-seed" I'm not sure where to find it (never seen it in stores).

01-04-2004, 11:23 PM
You can try all the tricks, but unless your timing is good, nothing will happen! Make sure that you know your cycles and when you ovulate - that will go a long way towards making things happen.

And keep in mind that your chances for conception the "old-fashioned way" are about 25% (I think) a month - so just because this month was a bust doesn't mean that you are in for a long wait!

We required fertility treatments so there was little doubt about what helped us conceive - we knew all the gory details, and even have pics of Colin (or half of him?) when he was a teeny tiny follicle!

01-04-2004, 11:36 PM
Shoot, is that really true about the astroglide/KY? What's a , ahem, "dry" girl to do to TTC?

01-04-2004, 11:42 PM
Ummm, would a natural oil work? I know somebody has suggested to me to try vitamin E in anticipation of delivery...Something like that? (Disclaimer being I know NOTHING about this!!)

01-04-2004, 11:50 PM
My doctor suggested that Dh drink red wine! We got pregnant the first month we tried, so maybe this works?!

mom to Lauren 12/5/03

01-05-2004, 12:02 AM
Quoted from TCOYF pg 153 "The only product that seems to provide necessary lubrication without harming sperm is real eggwhite, as in 'eggs over easy'" This is because both sperm and real eggwhites are made of protien.

If you are dry, then it is more than likely not a fertile time of the month, or you're not producing enough wet cervical fluid which is where Robitussin would help. For some women who do not create a welcoming environment for sperm due to lack of cervical fluid, Robitussin can help by making your cervial fluid wetter. That's all the Robitussin does - it does not make you ovulate.

I had the best luck charting my basal body temp. to become familar with when I ovulated. Contrary to "normal" I found out I actually ovulate around 3 weeks after my last period.

Good Luck TTC!

01-05-2004, 12:09 AM
After ttc for close to two years and knowing that we were moving to Germany I told DH that we had three months left to try (I wanted to have the baby at least three months before we moved to Germany). The second to last month I had a miserable cold and was taking Robitussin and told DH that we had to do the deed anyway. You guessed it, that's the month I got pregnant! Several months later I had heard about Robitussin 'aiding' in couples becoming pregnant and ever since then I have believed that is what helped us out :7 Hey, the stuff isn't that bad if you get a baby out of it!

01-05-2004, 12:15 AM
Speaking from experience, egg whites are nasty to use!!!!

01-05-2004, 12:33 AM
Our RE suggested this as a help. Didn't work for us as we required more extensive help (IVF) although we've decided to try it again for a few months.
Best of luck for you.

01-05-2004, 12:36 AM
When we were TTc-ing in the summer, I also read that some coffee for him before the deed helps. I guess it aids with the swiming. My DH hates coffee, and we got pregnant right away(much to our surprise, DH had just gotten off meds supposed to make him sterile), but this is on of the MANY things I heard at the time (along with green tea(does have some cafeine and other good stuff in it), herbal supplements, etc...

eri, due April 04 :)

01-05-2004, 12:41 AM
We honestly just counted 14 days from the date of the start of AF to determine when to do it. This was after the miscarriage when we knew that we could in fact get pregnant after 8 years of trying. And believe me we tried EVERY method known to man and woman for that matter. We even bought a new house, got into serious debt, had two car payments and NOTHING worked. :D

Lots and lots of foreplay of course help with lubrication for both parties involved. Remember sperm can live up to three days after ejaculation so you do have a window.

01-05-2004, 02:50 AM
When we were ttc I was charting so I knew my cycle but I didn't produce much cervical egg white. I had heard that taking an expectorant would thin the mucous. I took it around the time I would've been ovulating and Emily was born 42 weeks later! So it's worth a try but it still has to be at the right time.
Good luck

01-05-2004, 10:01 AM
I used the Clear Plan (Clear Blue) Fertility monitor. Bought it on ebay so the cost wasn't too bad. I ovulated the first two months off the pill, but the doc said not to try those two months, so I didn't (grrr...). Then I didn't ovulate again for 5 months (I have PCOS). So to get pregnant I went back on the pill for two months! I figured if I ovulated the first time I came off the pill, it might work again. And it did! I ovulated 17 days after stopping the pill, and DS was conceived 2 years ago today!

mom to Jacob 9/27/02

01-05-2004, 10:14 AM
Interesting thread. I'll be sure to add Robitussin to my grocery list. It took us a year and one miscarriage last time and started charting 3 months in. To me that was so stressful that I'm not charting (yet) this time. Instead I'm counting and trying to time it right with a few days buffer on either side. But it's 14 days before the start of your next AF, not 14 days after the last. Unless of course you're on a 28 day cycle.

~ mommy to Declan 3.24.03

01-05-2004, 10:26 AM
For the poster asking about the lubricants to use, I was going to look online and find a place to buy "Pre-seed" which is recommend for couples TTC. I personally don't need it yet, but maybe someday this year ;)

01-05-2004, 11:03 AM
I don't have the time right now to find the link, but you can do a google and download a freeshare called Preggers Conceptual Planning. (Actually, I'm only positive about the Preggers part of the name.) It worked great for us. It's basically a charting program, but it tells you what days you should be trying and what your odds are.

01-05-2004, 11:29 AM
Just another rave for Toni Weschler and Taking Charge of Your Fertility. We got pregnant the first month trying (very nice for my anal retentiveness.) And that was even with DH out of town during my fertile weekend. No, it wasn't the mailman -- we did the immediately before and immediately after thing and it worked.

I highly recommend the computer program, too. Makes it much easier because it does all the charting and computing for you. It actually told me that I was pregnant before the pregnancy tests did (had two negatives and then kind of gave up on that month until it suggested that despite the negative tests, my temps looked like I was pregnant. Next test was positive!)

trying-to-conceive :)
mama to Jack 6/6/03

01-05-2004, 11:53 AM
Thanks for all the fun hints! I will look into Taking Charge, but I think I'll leave egg whites as a last resort!
The reason I think it may be a long wait is because it took a while and a long miscarriage/ectopic/other complications ordeal before we conceived #1. I charted originally, but somehow my ovulation times were a bit inconsistent. I am going to check out the online charting-hopefully it is less stressful than before. In fact, the month I conceived my thermometer stopped working and I never replaced the battery, so it was luck of the draw.
For now, since it has only been 1 month, I thought I would just explore other options...like the Robitussin, coffee, and cut out the lubricant. Hopefully we will conceive before the "fun" part wears thin. Other things I have heard are to have a little fun in the a.m. (not as practical now as it was pre-baby) and to keep a pillow under your bottom half afterwards. Lol, the best laid plans...

01-05-2004, 12:04 PM
BTW, guaifenesin is the generic name of the active ingredient of Robitussin that is supposed to thin out the mucous. So, you can look for any storebrand with that. You can sometimes just get the guaifenesin without anything else added.

Apparently it is also touted as a treatment for fibromyalgia, although the line of thinking between those two points seem a little more blurry than the fertility thinking.

Mom to Harvey

01-05-2004, 12:24 PM
I would definitely give the Robitussin (plain) a try. I think it helped us conceive Amy Grace. We weren't really having trouble but I am anal and had a definite spacing and time of year plan in mind. After a couple of months with no conception my window was narrowing and I tried the Robitussin and got pregnant. Definitely skip any lubricants. Although they don't work well enough to be called "contraception" they definitely have a sperm-killing effect.

The best way I found to figure out when I was ovulating was a combination of ovulation predictor tests and cervical mucous. I read the book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby when conceiving Wesley and that really helped me figure out the whole cervical mucous thing which was extremely helpful. I don't recommend the book that much as far as conceiving one sex or the other, though, since it obviously didn't work quite right as Wesley is the result of TTC a girl! LOL! Trying to get a girl the next time I read that high levels of calcium and magnesium in your system help with girl conception (this is probably totally untrue but I tried it anyway!!) to I took vitamins and ate lots of cereal and took the Robitussin and applied a whole lot of prayer and we got a girl. LOL!

That egg white thing sounds really awful. I agree, save it til you're desperate! :) Good luck! Fertility is not only different for every person, it's different for the same person each time so you might get pregnant very quickly. It took over a year to get pregnant with Parker, pregnant on the first try with Wesley, and the third try with Amy Grace. HTH!

01-05-2004, 12:30 PM
T was a morning baby :)
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-05-2004, 01:40 PM
Too funny. I must've skipped over the section of the book that mentioned Robitussin because I totally don't reading about it there. Then again, mabye I did read it there. I'm not sure how else I'd know about it. Who knows... I swear being pregnant and having a child have made my brain into a seive.

01-05-2004, 01:53 PM
Using egg white as a lubricant/fertility booster isn't all that bad, I swear. Here are several recommendations to make it more manageable. First, and this is ESSENTIAL, make sure the egg is room temperature. If you don't you will get a thrill that you remember for a LONG time (I still remember our first forray into egg white sex like it was yesterday). Second, to keep things tidy use a syringe (the kind used to administer oral meds to babies/children work fine) to draw-up the egg white and insert it into your vagina. If you're at all bashful you'll probably want to do this in the bathroom before sex. Be warned though, you'll need to get horizontal fast or you'll leave a trail of egg white from the bathroom to the bed. Lastly, a towel over your bed linnens means you won't need to do laundry afterwards.

Good luck to all who a trying to conceive.

01-05-2004, 02:35 PM
Maybe the Robbitussin was just getting her drunk and relaxed...

I have this book called "How to Choose the Sex of your Baby," by Landrum Shettles. Even if you are not interested in the sex-preselection aspects of it, I recall several fertility suggestions that have to do with timing & position in relation to the mother's anatomy (tilted uterus/regular).

When you say egg whites are you meaning to buy the pasteurized ones in a carton? I was just wondering if using raw ones was safe since it's not safe to ingest.

Good Luck

PS - reg. the book. I hadn't gotten to the point of actually trying out the sex-preselection aspects, I didn't think we'd get PG that quickly so I'd have time, however in back-tracking the when's & what's of Ds' conception it was definitely "boy."

01-05-2004, 02:44 PM
In about 9-11 months these boards are going to have a baby boom!!! :)
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-05-2004, 02:55 PM
I am soooo glad that you posted this :) I was curious about this myself. DH and I actually conceived this past month on our FIRST attempt with Robitussin. Unfortunately, we lost the baby VERY early on (I am okay...really). I am just curious if anyone else had a miscarriage while trying this route. I DO have a history of 1 m/c. I REALLY do want to try this again once my cycle is back on track. I was BLOWN AWAY by its affects (and results).

01-05-2004, 03:19 PM
I am so sorry about your loss this month. I had a miscarriage before I conceived ds but I had never taken Robitussin at that point, and it was actually ectopic.

01-05-2004, 03:23 PM
Neve, you're cracking me up! I think it is actually all of the time spent on the boards that has me wishing for #2!
Brig was part of a boom that was attributed to 9/11- (not for us, necessarily) and our local hospital was written up in the paper for all the births in July 2002. I was sort of curious when I started this thread to see how many others on this board were ttc!

01-05-2004, 04:44 PM
ROTFL at your very practical tips.... . :D

01-05-2004, 04:48 PM
If you go to the forums at obgynnet.com, and do a query on Robitussin, you'll get great information from the docs on there, regarding it.

If you do a search for the egg white thing, you'll get some stern admonitions and a lecture on the bacterial infections the raw eggwhite invites.

So read with care.... ;-)

01-05-2004, 05:32 PM
What an interesting thread. I never knew about Robitussin. The things I learn on this board...

But just wanted to chime in that we are just starting to TTC, although I'm not sure how lucky we'll be until I wean DD. For the time being, we won't be using any preventive measures and see what happens.

I guess I was relatively lucky in conceiving DD. I kept track of my cycle and figured out when I was ovulating based on observing my discharge and did manage to get pregnant twice (miscarriage before DD when I was only about 6 weeks pregnant). I'm not sure it'll be so easy this time around, though!

01-05-2004, 08:47 PM
Your little one isn't even 1 yet and you are ready for #2...Mine is TWO and I'm not ready.

Does anyone else feel like a bad parent when you read everyone else is TTC and their children are younger than yours?

01-05-2004, 09:16 PM
I'm with you- I know I would like to have another child but I am not anywhere near actually considering it yet. I don't feel like a bad parent, though. I kind of feel a little bit selfish, in a way. I love my time with DS so incredibly much that right now I don't want to give any of it up. I know it's really cliche, but they are only young once. I'm having a ball watching him learn and grow each day.
Plus, I know that the first child always gets more of mommy and daddy's attention (because there are no others), but when I have #2 I want to be able to give him or her as much of the same kind of experience as #1 had. If DS is older and more self sufficient when #2 comes I know that #2 will get more attention than if I had to chase a toddler around in addition to caring for a newborn.
Right now I'm in no hurry for #2.

01-05-2004, 09:22 PM
Am I just slow- congrats! I just noticed that you are expecting!

01-05-2004, 09:36 PM
I don't feel like a bad parent, just a highly disorganized one! For some reason I tend to think that people who are organized are prepared to have their children closer together. Given that my kids are all nearly five years apart I guess that doesn't say much for my organizational skills does it?

01-05-2004, 09:51 PM
oh my goodness I don't know what that has to do with parenting or being a bad parent...

if I started having children in my 20s I might be different, but we tried to concieve for #2 right away (or when we could ) after Tristan. With my history of a miscarriage and an ectopic (which leads me to a 1/10 chance of another ectopic which scares the s&*^ out of me) and that I'd be 37 if I got pregnant this second when I delivered leaves me to think I should try sooner rather than later...
there are many factors in such a decison...

But you are a marvelous parent that is obvious (as is every single person on these boards I have no doubt) I don't think it has anything to do with being a good parent to want another...
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-05-2004, 10:33 PM
Melanie, its funny you should post this because it was exactly what was going through my mind as I was reading the posts. I don't however feel that it makes us bad parents. I think its great for the people who want to conceive soon after #1, but I'm just not one of them!! I too am enjoying my time with DD. I want to spoil her with my attention... I love having time for just DD and myself to play together, lay in bed together and watch TV, and pretty much do whatever we feel like when we feel like it!!! I just am not ready to "share" my time yet. I think part of my problem is that I am a working mom, so I feel like I need to over-compensate a lot of the time. I hate feeling guilty when she is crying for me and I have to go to work and leave her, so when I'm home I feel the need to be at her beck and call. Does this make sense?? The bottom line is that I will keep all of you that are TTC in my prayers, I hope things work out for all of you!!! I will hold off myself though for at least another year!!!! Good Luck!:)

01-05-2004, 10:39 PM
Okay, thank you. I guess I was feeling rather selfish, not "bad," about not giving Ds a sibling close in age.

I'm glad not to be totally alone. I have no siblings, so even 10 years would have been better than nothing in my book. I go with that theory, but Dh wants them closer than 5. He says it's so they're closer than he and his sib. (9 year difference), but I think it's just because he's jonesing for my income back. ;-)

01-05-2004, 10:51 PM
I am so sorry...I'm emailing you now!!!
Big hugs from us to you!!!
Love ya bunches,
AKA "mama2be"-forgot password
and Baby Boy Tristan born @UNC
Feb 25, 2003
Brother to 3 pups "gees" and 2 kitties

01-05-2004, 11:33 PM
You can always throw the ovulation predictors and basal body temperature predictors etc. out the window and just do it every single day of the month that you can. It's a very inexpensive as well as comprehensive method!

01-05-2004, 11:37 PM
Okay, I can't resist... and I should, as I'm SUPPOSED to be working!!!

I picked up some interesting tips from a book called (I swear I am not making this up) Sperm Wars. It was, in essence, a scientist's theories on how the mechanisms of reproduction (e.g. the female orgasm, the flanged shape of the top of the male member, the phenomenon of "flow-back" (don't ask)) have evolved to enhance the chances of passing on one's genes. Some of his theories are rather peculiar, some are politically incorrect in the extreme, but some really made sense, and I tried 'em out. Have two kids now, for what that's worth...

For starters, chances are better when the woman orgasms shortly before intercourse (any time the same day is okay), and then again during intercourse... but immediately AFTER the man. The first is because cervical mucus flows VERRY slowly downwards all the time (think of a glacier), and the muscle spasms of an orgasm accelerate the flow temporarily, which brings newer, wetter, easier-for-sperm-to-swim-in mucus down into the neck of the cervix. So you've "set the stage".

The timing of intercourse orgasm has to do with another physiological phenomenon. At the end of the vagina there is a little "pocket" or hollow, right below the cervix. (Remember, when seen from the side, the vagina and uterus do not form a straight line, but an angle.) The muscular action of female orgasm causes the cervix to dip down into that hollow. If the male partner has already ejaculated, then that hollow is conveniently filled with sperm, which now get a "leg up" into the cervix/uterus. The sexual position used is not important for this phenomenon (although it may be important for other factors) because the walls of the vagina collapse together when it is (ahem) unoccupied, keeping the sperm in that little pocket, for a brief while at least, no matter which way gravity is pulling.

Soooo... another tactic to add to your arsenal! Have fun!!!



01-05-2004, 11:39 PM
Lol, I think dh would love you for suggesting that! I am basically saying every other day! Ofcourse I said that last month and we weren't even close.

01-06-2004, 10:59 AM
KathyO, I guess I missed the big announcement, but Congratulations! (How late am I in these wishes?)

01-06-2004, 11:26 AM
I don't feel like a bad parent, but I AM glad to know that I'm not the only one wanting to wait a while for #2. We are thinking of trying for three-year spacing. I think it will work better for us and our personalities than two closer together, but everyone has his/her own opinion and reasons!

01-06-2004, 11:50 AM
>Your little one isn't even 1 yet and you are ready for
>#2...Mine is TWO and I'm not ready.
>Does anyone else feel like a bad parent when you read
>everyone else is TTC and their children are younger than

OMG - please don't think something is wrong with you!
I think being ready for the next one really has nothing to do with how your parenting skills are or your organizational skills (as Jen mentioned). I'm still trying to figure out the whole parenting thing as I go along and really am not too organized. I will worship any mom (SAHM, WAHM, WOHM or Dad) who can spend "enough" time with their kids while keeping a perfectly clean/tidy home and make a home-cooked meal every night.

I think we are all individuals and have different reasons for trying sooner or later. It does scare me a little that DD isn't 1 yet and we are already talking about #2. It's definitely not due to my own biological reasons (I'm almost 27, so I do feel like I have enough time). It's actually b/c DH is hearing his biological clock ticking. He's much older than I am - he'll be 50 next year (Yup, do the math. He's 22 years older than me). I think he's feeling pressure b/c he doesn't want to be too old to do things with his kids. I don't want to give the impression that he's bullying me into this. I wouldn't do this if I didn't want to.

I'm not sure when I would really feel 100% "ready" for the next one. So sooner is just as good a time for ME as later.

I think it's an individual decision -- just like deciding how many children you would want. Only wanting one or wanting 4 doesn't reflect on you your parenting.

Whew! That got long-winded. I just really didn't want people feeling badly b/c of what I said/posted.

01-06-2004, 01:00 PM
Don't feel bad. I think if I lived in the real world I'd spac my kids 3 years apart but I don't. It took us 6 years to have Nathan and the longer embryos are frozen the less chance they have of making it. I need to get pregnant as soon as I can. I don't have time to actually be ready for number 2.

01-06-2004, 01:12 PM
NOTHING is wrong with you Melanie...we're in no rush for #2 either...

01-06-2004, 01:14 PM
My sister and I are 2 yrs apart, and we fought like DOGS. She hated me from the get-go--hitting me, biting me, etc etc etc...fortunately we get along now, but it wasn't until college that we started getting along. There were some brutal, even bloody fights--I kid you not!

Maybe that's another reason I'm not ready for #2...if Audrey had a new little sister and all she wanted to do was hit or bite her, it'd break my heart.

01-06-2004, 02:13 PM
Don't feel bad, I hope I didn't make YOU feel bad with my OT...I should have started a new thread. It's all about everyone's individual lives and feelings...I was just getting a little overwhelmed by everyone TTC and wondered if I was alone...


Good Luck and enjoy the 'tussin.

01-06-2004, 04:05 PM
My second (John) is now a month old... but don't feel bad! I honestly don't remember whether I made a "big announcement" when we got preggo or not! (I tend to be kinda superstitious about that kind of thing.) And, well, things have been a bit too busy for a "he's here!" announcement! (I really shouldn't be here right now as it is -- I'm supposed to be working on a freelance contract!)

Thanks for the congrats!


01-06-2004, 04:19 PM
Not sure how true this is or not but I have seen a few studies saying black or green tea helps.

I think it did in my case, I have 3 kids only one was planned (I love them all and wanted a few anyway just not exactly when they got here LOL)

Anyway... In the winter time I am a big tea drinker, the 2 "unplanned" kids were conceived in winter. When we were ttc Daria it was going into spring and I had cut back on the tea and it took a few months. I didn't realize the tea thing until after I was already pregnant and read the story and then thought back to when I got pregnant with Alex (and then later with Eliza the other winter conception) and put it all together. Maybe it was all a fluke but it can't hurt to drink a cup or so every day or every few days :). I have pretty funky cycles and never O at the same time (never figured that out until I had all the kids either) I tend to think back on stuff after the fact and figure it out backwards LOL. So who knows what really helped or not.

01-06-2004, 04:42 PM
A long time ago I heard that even 1/2 cup of tea per day could boost your chances of conception. This could become a full time job. Tea to 'tussin to coffee to egg whites... :)

01-06-2004, 04:49 PM
Not selfish! Not bad! My sister and I are 3 years apart and the best of friends. My sister is two years older than my brother and my mom said the 2-year spacing just about did her in (she went on to have 3 more children, at least 3 years apart).

We're on the 3 year plan (which means I would be pg at the end of this year which, quite frankly, really spooks me if I think about it). Just taking it a day at a time. "Time to have another baby" totally depends on the family. If someone wants Irish twins, I'm not going to think they are any better/worse a parent (insane, maybe... KIDDING!). If someone wants their kids 10 years apart - fine.

You're in good company, though (well, I guess that's a little pompous to consider MY company good... lol, I was referring to everyone else who is "waiting").

01-06-2004, 05:37 PM
ok...i just read this entire post and I am LMAO. I can attest to the effectiveness of robitussin...all FOUR of my pregnancies were concevied with it, but not always on the first try. (However, three of them ended in miscarriages, but I don't think it was related. I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome). As for the egg white thing, I wanted to try it, but my husband made a comment about our baby getting salmonella, and I freaked out. I don't think that would really happen, but you never know. Then I was worred about the smell - you know - rotten egg smell.....sorry if TMI, but my mind works in strange ways.

I like whoever suggested doing the dance every day....now if only I could find my husband...

Neve - I hope there is a baby boom here in 9 months. I, for one, am ready for #2, so if anyone has any baby dust lying around, feel free to sprinkle some in my direction.

mom2carter (05.13.03)

01-06-2004, 07:26 PM
I totally agree with reading "How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby" in order to conceive. It helped us get pregnant with DD after one "practice month" of tracking my temps and mucus. I apparently ovulate b/w days 9 and 10, not 14 and so we were trying 3 or 4 days after I had ovulated. The temp and cervical mucus tracking sure made the difference for us.

01-06-2004, 07:26 PM
I totally agree with reading "How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby" in order to conceive. It helped us get pregnant with DD after one "practice month" of tracking my temps and mucus. I apparently ovulate b/w days 9 and 10, not 14 and so we were trying 3 or 4 days after I had ovulated. The temp and cervical mucus tracking sure made the difference for us.

oops- sorry for the double post! I had a computer glich!

01-06-2004, 08:08 PM
We tried counting 14 days but then after reading the TCOYF book and charting, I realized that I didn't ovulate until several days after that (Day 20), so the 14 day thing would never work for us! Everyone is different, though.

I loved the TCOYF book. We got pregnant the second month charting using the method described in this book. I'm such a control freak that I liked knowing exactly what was going on in my body with the charting. It is a pain to take the temp every morning, though! DH learned to ignore the beeping of the thermometer in the early morning. :)

01-06-2004, 08:44 PM
Melanie, you aren't alone - we aren't TTC and won't be for at least another year. Perhaps longer, we'll see how I feel about it in a year (DH would go for it now if I was game)!

01-06-2004, 08:57 PM
BTW, in case anyone wants a simple counting method...


01-06-2004, 10:19 PM
Green Tea is well know in Eastern medicine to be a fertility enchancer for both parties. I have a close friend whose wife got pg with twins when he was managing a Chinese restaurant and drinking green tea every morning instead of coffee.

Also, on the tea subject, Red Raspberry Leaf tea is a good tea for women to drink to promote uterine health in general, including causing excess, espically of the good "egg white" fertile variety, mucus production. I can personally attest that it does help increase fertile mucus production, if this is your issue. It is mostly avaliable in nautral food and vitamin stores, but I have also seen it in the supplement section of well stocked grocery stores. I believe you are supposed to drink two cups per day. I recommend honey or sugar--the stuff is not plesant by itself.

pamela mom of 3
01-06-2004, 10:44 PM
Oh gosh, don't feel that way! It's very important IMHO for you to be comfortable with having more kids...you know timing? while we all cannot be lucky enough to have it play out exactly the way we have planned it's important it feel right, only you know what is the best space/time for your family! :D

Some days i'd have liked mine 10yrs apart x( LOL



pamela mom of 3
01-06-2004, 10:52 PM
Actually i can comment on the 5yrs spacing....

My eldest turns 8 this march, youngest just turned 3...so almost 5yrs apart.

These 2 do fight less, my 5 & almost 8yo go at it alot and now the 3 & 5yo go at it too lol

Not saying the eldest and the "baby" don't fight but their certainly is a much different relationship between my eldest and her baby brother vs her sister at 2.5yrs apart.


I have NO siblings so i am lost in siblings and buried in the constant whirl of multiple kids lol ;)



01-07-2004, 04:24 AM
A great site I found for support on TTC is www.fertilityfriend.com

They have a program to help you chart. (One month free) But, the boards there are great!

Just thought I'd toss that one out there, too.

01-07-2004, 10:45 AM
It is only natural that we all have different ideas on when to conceive. We all have different things going on in our lives, and a variety of reasons to try or to wait. I always thought I wanted to have my children closer, rather than farther (further?) apart. Once I had brig, I rethought that. Now that I feel like I have a handle on things a bit and we are truly having fun...as many of you have expressed- we can't wait to have another. I am one of five, and love it. My brother and I are only 13 months apart, and are 2 completely different people. I don't know...we just feel ready.
Please don't feel like something is wrong with you for wanting to wait. Don't feel like you have to explain it to anyone, we all understand!

01-07-2004, 03:48 PM
No, no, you DID announce your were preggo! I was just waiting for the "he's here!" part. Hard to believe you're working only a month later. You're one tough cookie. When you get a chance, let us know how things are going with two, and how DD likes being big sister. Congrats again!