View Full Version : He pee'd in the potty !?!

02-25-2004, 03:07 AM
My son is 18 mos and goes to daycare full time. Tonight they told me for a few days now, he wanted to sit on the potty while one of his friends was on the potty next to him (they "go" every 2 hours). So today, he just decided he would mimic his buddy and sit naked on the potty and they said the next thing they knew, he was laughing and saying and signing "all done, all done". He was quite proud of his performance!!

I am happy for him, but not quite ready to potty train, seeing how grandparents that he hasn't seen in over a year are coming to visit for a whole month soon, and baby #2 is do in 3 weeks.

Anyone got any words of wisdom here? I'm guessing I should let him do as he wants at "school" and try to keep home as "normal" as possible for him. Help!!

02-25-2004, 03:17 AM
That's a good start. DS knew "how" to go potty for over a year before we trained. Knowing how and being motivated to do it ALL THE TIME are two totally different things! I would get a potty chair for him and have it available so he gets used to it being around. And let him go on it if he wants to. You could even encourage him to use it if you do naked time at home, or before bed or after waking in the morning. I wouldn't push it, though. More like letting him experiment and learn as he wants to. HTH!

BTW, come on over to the toddler boards! This is the perfect question for that forum!

02-25-2004, 07:56 PM
ITA with everything luvbeinmama said (including to come on over to the Toddler Boards). You don't have to do anything major but if he is showing interest it would be a shame to lose it. And then you might be kicking yourself in a year when you are trying to train and he's no longer interested! Get a small potty for home and make it available to him. That way if he continues to be interested he can carry through with it. But only if he wants to.