View Full Version : Here's what I would do different if I'm ever pregnant again...ugh

04-04-2004, 06:50 PM
I'll skip the stupid internal checks they start at 36 weeks or so...I'm almost completely effaced as of last Tuesday, baby is between station -2 and -1 so everyone has me thinking this is a great thing for a first child, blah blah...Doctor even said earlier this week: I'm on call this weekend (hinting that I may need him??)

But no, nothing. No contractions of any sort (that I can feel), no loss of "plug" of any kind, just a lack of usual crazy movement from baby.
I realise I should just shut up and enjoy this, because I am only 38 weeks tomorrow, but what's with believing you are making progress, and you expect to go in anytime now, but yet everyday goes by as normal, and you just eat more cookies and pancakes like there's no tomorrow. I guess this belongs on the bitching post. I also realise this is stupid, that it's better for him to cook a little longer. But I hate when I'm made to expect something, and then nothing happens...

That's it. back to the usual programming.

eri and the bean, due April 19th

04-04-2004, 07:07 PM
I am in total agreement with skipping the internal checks. In fact, my old doctor doesn't even do them if he thinks that everything is "normal". His feeling is that nature will take it's course and that some women are 4 cm for 2+ weeks so why get everyone excited and then disappointed (sorry- not trying to be discouraging here). Notice that I said my "old doctor" (he's only 50ish so I'm not talking about his age). I had to switch OBs b/c my he no longer takes my insurance.... So Frustrating! So sign me up for the internal checks!
Good luck and sleep! Is there a full moon soon?

04-04-2004, 07:09 PM
I can relate. I had the same thoughts/feelings at that time. It really bites.


04-04-2004, 07:09 PM
Yes, the full moon is tomorrow.
I know I'll be disappointed once again. Sigh.

04-04-2004, 09:33 PM
I totally agree with you, but for the opposite reason. Ds was borns 2 days after my o/b said my cervix was 'thick and hard' (sorry if tmi) and I was not dilated at all. Dh and I thought we had at least another week. The night before my water broke, dh stayed up really late and of course, quickly regretted it.

Lane 4/6/03

04-04-2004, 09:59 PM
Eri! Just two more weeks!! Hang in there!! I am so excited for you and cannot wait to see pictures of the bean when he/she arrives!!

I did not have any internal checks till i started getting contractions. You really don't need to have them as the numbers and percentages often bear little relation to the time of arrival of the baby!

04-04-2004, 10:19 PM
ITA with you. I will refuse to have any next time until I actually go into labor. My OB (well, one of the three) told me that I would not be late because I was 2 cm and 50% at 37 weeks. Lo and behold, I saw her three weeks later, at exactly 40 weeks (and soooo ready to meet Miss Lindsey) and had a bit of a tizzy because she told me that I wouldn't be late three weeks ago.

She then proceeded to strip my membranes, probably either disloging the mucus plug or at least brusing my cervix as I bled lightly the rest of the afternoon (don't let your OB do this unless you are sure you want to deal with the consequences.) My water broke three days later and I wasn't really having contx. (very light, I could not feel them, and very far apart), so I had to be induced, which was something I was totally against. I started to contract soon after they started the Pitocin, but they just kept turning it up to speed up my labor and it was awful. I was hysterically crying because I was in so much pain. Thank God for the epidural. I would have been toast without it.

We are healthy and fine, but I will definitely shy away from internal checks with our next baby. They don't show anything (your OB should be able to tell if baby's head is down and engaged from an external exam) and are really invasive at a time when a PG is very uncomfortable as it is.

04-04-2004, 10:26 PM
When I got really anxious towards the end I occupied myself by thinking up and doing all the things that I wouldn't be able to do again for a long time once baby came. I went to the movies several times, shopped my heart out, visited people, ate at various restaurants, organized my CDs, etc... It really helped me to focus on the enjoyment of my last childless days instead of the constant waiting and anticipation.

I love the fact that you call baby "the bean". It's too cute!