View Full Version : Oh No! Our first REAL cold!

04-21-2004, 02:01 AM
He will not sleep. The snot in hos nose runs down his throat and makes him gag. He's totally miserable. :( I'm totally exhausted...what can I do/ give him that will make him feel better?

04-21-2004, 02:26 AM
This is tough. We have spent many nights with DS on our lap sitting in the glider with it reclined to help him sleep when he has a cold. One thing that might help is to put a pillow or small box under the crib mattress to prop it so he is not lying down completely. You might check with your pediatrician to see if you can give some Benedryl or some cold medicine (although our doctor doesn't think they are effective with children).

Otherwise, just gotta suffer some sleepless nights. It WILL pass!

04-21-2004, 03:21 AM
Oh I'm sorry Shandelle. i hope Dallin gets better and you two get some sleep.

Our doctor didn't recommend cold medicine since he says they only have a 50/50 chance of even working. If he has a fever then a little motrin or tylenol works wonders. Otherwise keep the kleenex handy and wipe his nose a lot. If he'll allow it try to suck out some snot with a bulb syringe. When the snot starts to dry up and get hard you may need to shoot some saline up there and again suction with the bulb syringe. Also if his nose gets raw from all the snot and kleenex, rubbing a little aquaphor underneath will help offer some relief.

Why don't the two of you take a nice warm bath together and then snuggle under the covers and try to sleep?

04-21-2004, 11:40 AM
I haven't given him any medicine, I don't really think it will do anything. He doesn't have a fever, the only indication that he is sick is his really stuffy nose. Fortunately it's barely even running, for the most part it sounds up in his sinuses. I am watching him carefully though. I don't want him to get an ear infection. I had the sniffles a few weeks ago and ended up with a bad one...a nice warm bath sounds good. I think we will do that. I wish I didn't have so much to do today! Thanks ;)

Tondi G
04-21-2004, 01:52 PM
I bought a product called Little Noses... it's a non medicated saline nasal spray/drops. It really helps when DS is sick! Just helps clear out any funky stuff in his nose and shrinks his membranes without any medication. It always did the trick to at least help DS fall asleep or nurse when he couldn't breathe through his nose easily! I highly recommend getting some.... ALSO buy some of that Johnsons Vapor bath... put it in the warm bath.... it will help with sinus stuff too then put the little noses saline in his nose and cross your fingers!

I think your little one is probably too msall for cold meds.... but mine did recommend some dimatapp once and then later on triaminic cold and sinus and that stuff knocked my DS OUT... worked like a charm and he slept well... I think we gaev him half a teaspoon... you could always ask your ped!

Good Luck
~Tondi and Mason 7/8/01