View Full Version : Sudden Screeching

04-25-2004, 07:58 PM
Colwyn is normally a very happy little boy. We took him on a 1400 mile car trip two weeks ago and he did wonderfully and was very patient. He normally fusses rarely, and if he does, it's usually because he's tired.

However.. the day that we got back from our trip (this past Monday), he's started screeching and sort-of-grunting, kind of like he's having a temper tantrum. He does it all the time.. usually when he wants a change of position or can't reach a toy or thinks we're ignoring him. He does it when he gets tired of being in the Jumperoo or Exersaucer or high chair. Sometimes he does it for no discernable reason (as in, I can't figure out what he wants), but most of the time, as soon as I give him what he wants, he's happy and giggly.

Is this normal? He just turned 6 months yesterday, and is trying to learn to crawl (he's doing the rocking back-n-forth thing). I figured that a lot of it is to do with wanting to be mobile but getting frustrated. My mom thinks he's teething, but he hasn't been showing any teething behaviors more than normal lately.

I don't know what to make of this new behavior.. but frankly, it's driving me nuts! Am I going to have to deal with this for a long time? He's got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so we'll see if he's sick, but I doubt that's the cause.


04-25-2004, 08:14 PM
Sounds like his "wants" are currently outpacing his abilities, which is common at that age. Fortunately, it is something that passes fairly quickly (only to be replaced by other annoying but revolving habits)!

If you aren't sure if it is teething, you can try Motrin. But it doesn't sound quite like teething to me.

04-26-2004, 12:07 PM
We are still dealing with this, and from what I've read here and elsewhere, it's not uncommon when our little ones start to realize there's so much more to do and get that they can't get to yet. I think it's frustration and sometimes excitement that triggers it. At least it is at our house. Good luck!