View Full Version : Rachel - belladonna...

05-17-2004, 07:58 PM
I picked up some Boiron Belladonna at Whole Foods yesterday, so I'm prepared next time Sophie spikes a fever.

How does this work? Do I give it to her *instead* of Motrin/Tylenol or *in addition*?

The Whole Foods lady said that belladonna is the active ingredient in the Hyland's Teething Tablets, which Sophie has had, so I guess she doesn't have a problem with any sensitivity.



05-17-2004, 10:31 PM
Just a question??? Isn't belladonna a sedative?? Whats it used for otherwise?? Just curious!


05-17-2004, 10:59 PM
Answering both of you...

Homeopathic belladonna is entirely different from the straight stuff. It can work to calm, but is also good for fevers and severe inflammation. I sometimes use it when ABigail's gums are horribly swollen.

For fevers, Belladonna alone will usually do it. And some degree of fever is okay-- it's the body's natural defense to infection. I tend to medicate either when the fever gets scary-high, or when Abigail is too miserable to sleep or stay hydrated. But I would give Motrin or Tylenol too if the homeopathic didn't cut it. I think the official word is that you shouldn't (homeopathy theory), but doing so won't put her at any kind of medical risk.

Mom to Abigail Rose