View Full Version : Was you or your partner's labor medically-induced (i.e. not through foods, herbs, teas, walking, acupuncture, etc. but with medical/drug assistance - pitocin, ceravdil, water-breakage etc.)? How did i

06-25-2004, 06:11 PM
I am being really nosey here...you don't have to reply personally if you don't want, but please vote and bump.

By induction, I do not mean augmentation as in you had already gone into labor, but as in you were not in labor at all beforehand.

Oh, and I do not want to start a debate in this thread. So please do not try either. =)

Thank You!

06-25-2004, 06:43 PM
I think I had almost every intervention possible, short of general anesthesia during my c-section. I voted for induction w/c-section and unusual complicaitons, though I didn't really have complications during the c-section but after (infected incision which took 12 weeks to heal and had to be "packed" a couple of times a day for about 10 of those weeks - yuk). I was induced without any signs of labor, or cervical readiness at all, so I knew a c-section was a high possibility. I did not want one though, so we tried everything to get a vaginal birth. There was a medical reason - DS was showing signs of IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) and was born at full term at only 5 lbs. 6 oz. My placenta had dead areas and signs of deterioration, so I feel that we did the right thing by getting him out of there.

For kicks, here is the list of interventions I had (all that I can remember anyway!!!)

1) 2 doses of Cervadil
2) Continuous external fetal monitoring from the time they inserted the Cervadil
2) In conjuction with the Cervadil - a "foley cathether" - I think that is what they called it. They stuck a rubber ballon type device in my cervix to try and help it open by blowing it up at various intervals. I think this is what it did anyway! Didn't work worth squat (a nurse ended up "tugging" it out a couple hours after insertion - and it had taken them a very uncomforable hour to get it inserted!!)
3) Pitocin, pitocin and more pitocin. I was on pitocin from 9 am Thursday until 3 pm Friday. They really cranked it up!
4) AROM (artifical rupture of membranes)
5) Continuous internal fetal monitoring from AROM until c-section
6) Amnioperfusion. After my memberanes had been ruptured so long they decided the baby needed some fluid in there to keep his heartrate steady. So they put fluid back in!!!
7) Glucose drip. I couldn't eat for a couple of days but at least I wasn't hungry!
8) Various IV antibiotics. For Group B Strep. Allergic to penicillin, so I can't remember what they gave me.
9) Epidural, plus all the saline etc. that goes along with that.
10) Urinary catheter after I got the epidural
11) Oxgen during the last couple of hours before my c-section

All this between 9 pm Wednesady and 3 pm Friday and I still had only dilated to 4 cm! So off to the c-section room I went. God knows what drugs I got during that! They kind of knocked me out during the closure, which I hadn't been warned about. I didn't really mind, but it would have been nice to know! Plus I threw up three times when they pulled DS out. Not pleasant. Then DS had what they thought was internal bleeding (it wasn't) and I didn't get to see him for 5 hours. Ok, NOT the best birth experience in the world, but at least DS is a fine, healthy, strapping young toddler now!! (who just ate 3 bananas in 1.5 hours...scary!!!)

mom to Jacob 9/27/02

06-25-2004, 06:51 PM
I put induced, but it wasn't a "planned" induction. During my doctor's exam, she accidently broke my water. I was given 4 hours to go into labor "naturally" and then I had to report to the hospital to be induced. I didn't have a strong opinion about pain killers -- I wanted to try natural childbirth but wasn't die hard. I ended up getting an epidural after suffering through high levels of pitocin. That was DS#1. The next two, I went into labor naturally but I am slow to progress (18 hour labors) so I had pitocin both times to get things moving along.

06-25-2004, 07:01 PM
I had the cervadil and pitocin and thank god for the epidural! The instant I got pregnant I told my ob that we weren't going to get the child out of my body without an epidural.

Matt's birth was uncomplicated, piece of cake. If only the pregnancy would have gone as well....

06-25-2004, 07:08 PM
I voted Yes - Induction, unplanned pain-medicated labor & vaginal delivery. No unsual complications.

I didn't have any unusual complications from the pain medication or induction, but I did have an unusual labor/birth experience because my water broke at 35 weeks and I didn't go into labor on my own.

06-25-2004, 07:34 PM
My blood pressure spiked at 38 weeks so I was induced with prostaglandin gel and eventually a little pitocin. Labor was loooong, contractions were strong and back to back, and I pushed too long in a non productive position (I wish I could have decided when it was time to push, I just did what the nurses told me to - lessons learned for next time around). I told the dr. I would not have a c/s every 5 minutes (actually I was begging!)


06-25-2004, 07:50 PM
I had a scheduled c/s with Sophie due to my tachycardia. My cardiologist didn't want me risking an abnormal heart rhythm due to labour pain. Fine with me ;)

I was also delivering twins, so that topped it off.

I will be having another scheduled c/s this time around because of the tachycardia.


06-25-2004, 07:59 PM
got induced b/c i was 11 days late. when i got there i was already in labor supposedly but felt nothing. they put me on pitocin and had NO pain whatsoever but got the epidural anyhow. nothing much happened for the next 12 hours. baby was too big...had a c/s. no complications.
scheduled c/s with #2

06-25-2004, 08:03 PM
Okay, I didn't vote because both kids went into labor the morning of or day before *induction* day. Both kids were 8 days late. FWIW, I had one *green* and one *yellow*. (The colored lines next to the poll answer.)

mom 2 Katie 12/02/00
& Jack 04/16/02

06-25-2004, 10:07 PM
"Plus I threw up three times when they pulled DS out."

That would be such a fear of mine! I don't know how the mamas can do it with the mirror to watch. I don't consider myself a "wimp" when it comes to medical things, but that would be over my limit!

06-25-2004, 11:43 PM
Possible TMI! I wasn't watching, and I didn't throw up because I was squeamish. I think it was the physical tugging on my innards to pull him out that convulsed my stomach and made me nauseated. I didn't have much in it after no eating for a couple of days, so I guess it was really more like dry heaves. But I warned the anesthesiaologist (sp???) and they did put a little puke bucket under me.

mom to Jacob 9/27/02

06-25-2004, 11:57 PM
My water broke w/ my DD so, yes, I was put on Pitocin. My vote was for "green": Induction, preplanned pain-medicated labor & vaginal delivery. No unusual complications.

06-26-2004, 12:07 AM
For DS#2, I was induced due to low amniotic fluid level at 35 weeks 6 days. The induction was with both Pitocin and a cervical catheter (balloon thingamajingy to help open the cervix). Everything went fine--I had a relatively short labor and a successful VBAC.

The insertion of the cervical catheter was awful! It was a 10/10 on my personal pain scale. I had been contracting (non productively, possibly due to the low fluid level) for over 24 hours the doc felt I was just probably sore down there because of the contractions.

So, I wound up getting my epidural (which I always figured I'd probably get) at 2 1/2 cm. I just couldn't take the pain anymore--the contractions had been mildly uncomfortable at first (4-5 minutes apart) while at home the day before but had gotten more painful and had just beaten me down by then. All I can say is THANK GOD for that epidural. It really worked and did not seem to slow down my labor at all. I had been worried about getting an epi so early in an induced labor, but my doc feels that epidurals don't really slow down labor as is commonly believed--at least doesn't have any more effect than unmanaged pain does on the progression of labor.

06-26-2004, 12:54 AM
I had a planned induction w/pain medication and did not suffer from any unusual complications. DD's delivery was vacuum assisted, which technically is considered a complication, but not an unusual one.

I just want to say that if I am ever pg again, I will NOT allow myself to be induced unless it is medically necessary. I just don't want to put my baby (and myself) through that again if I don't have to.

06-26-2004, 02:37 AM
I cant really answer because I was induced but it didnt work and after being in labor all day on pitocin at the max and not getting further then 4 cm they sent me home. DD was born one day short of a week later when my water broke on its own. sooo guess I would say induction with complicated labor of sorts but easy enough birth (4 epidurals that didnt work because it unplugged halfway through labor so technically almost natural because no drugs were going in!) Crazy~

06-26-2004, 06:29 AM
At 38 weeks, my doctor gave me the option of having my water broken to induce labor due to stress and some other problems. My OB was certain that I was ready to go into labor at any time anyway, so I agreed. The nurses wanted to give me pitocin, but I refused, and so did my doctor. 6 and a half hours after my water was broken, DD was born.

Some people would probably consider my labor an induction because I had zero contractions or any signs of labor (other than being 1-2cm for several weeks) before my water was broken; but some don't consider my labor an induction because I wasn't given cervadil or pitocin.

06-26-2004, 01:39 PM
I was induced after my OB received labs back that my liver all but shut down and the baby was at risk. I was admitted to the hospital at midnight on a Tuesday to start gels. They didn't work. Thursday morning my OB broke my water to help me along--didn't work. I got pitocin (and lots of it) and finally Thursday evening DD was born. I got my epidural Thursday morning when I wasn't even past a 2. My OB was very impressed with my "cervix of steel" as he called it.


06-26-2004, 01:55 PM
I was induced 2 weeks early because of a large baby and very small pelvis. I was already 4 cm at the time of induction and about 20% effaced.

I had:
- scheduled induction
- they broke my water
- pitocin, pitocin, pitocin (that kicked my butt)
- demerol to calm me down for the...
- epidural (it turned out I was 8 cm when I finally got it)
- labored 13 hours total
- pushed 2 hours
- vacuum extraction (attempt)
- c/s, no compications

I did have a fever at delivery, so both baby and I were on antibiotics for a couple days. That was the worst part for me...having an IV stuck in my arm for 2 days. Add that with having sore arms from pushing, no abdominal strength from the c/s, and trying to breastfeed at the same time...I was exhausted, but happily medicated. :)

Next time, we'll probably just schedule the c/s. At least that way I won't be so sore and recovering from surgery at the same time.

Mother of Gabriel, 08/14/2003

dr mom
06-26-2004, 05:04 PM
I voted yes - induction, c-section, no complications. (well, I got a thrombosed hemorrhoid that had to be surgically drained - sorry if TMI - but no big complications)

I had initially hoped for an induction because I really wanted my mother to be there when DS was born, and she was coming from 550 miles away, but didn't have enough vacation time to hang out with me for weeks waiting for labor. My OB suggested we induce on my due date because she was on call for the gruop that night. At my OB check that morning, my cervix wasn't particularly favorable and the induction would have been postponed...but my blood pressure had gone sky-high and it became a medical necessity that labor be induced.

I had all the goodies...
1. membranes ruptured by my OB (and walking in the hall for 3 hours, squishing around in a giganto-sized maxi pad, hoping not to run into anyone I knew since I worked at that hospital)
2. pitocin, since all that walking didn't inspire my cervix to change
3. internal uterine monitor
4. epidural, because once the contractions started, they came on full force
5. a Foley catheter
6. phenergan, after I threw up on the nurse
7. oxygen, because they gave too much pitocin and the resulting uterine overstimulation caused fetal bradycardia
8. internal fetal monitoring, for the same reason
9. IV fluids, and I retained enough fluid that I looked like the Michelin Man the next day
10. IV antibiotics (Unasyn), because after being ruptured for 12 hours I developed a fever

and finally...when after 24 hours of chemically augmented labor my cervix was barely 6 cm dilated...

11. the c-section

Not exactly the uncomplicated, unmedicated vaginal delivery that I was hoping for!


06-26-2004, 09:49 PM
I was induced at 41 1/2 weeks with a day's notice, although I spent that night in the hospital. I had an epidural after 5 hours that only got me to 3 cm, and from there I dilated to 10 in about an hour and a half. Colwyn was born after 3 pushes that took about 15 minutes. The covering OB didn't expect him to come out that fast, and ended up delivering him barehanded. :) She said that hadn't happened to her in years.

Overall, an extremely good experience. I'd prefer not to be induced next time, but no big deal if I do. The epidural was fantastic because it let me relax enough to dilate quickly. Oh, and Colwyn didn't have any of the usual bumps/bruises from a fast delivery. :)

06-26-2004, 11:39 PM
Melanie, are you 9 mos along and just haven't told us? ;) I guess here in cyber-land, you could be a 400 lb, 78-year-old bald man for all we know! :P
