View Full Version : Looking for bedtime ritual ideas...

07-08-2004, 10:53 PM
I think it's still early for this, but I'd like to start introducing cues that it's bedtime, and pave the way for a bonafide bedtime ritual later. But I have no idea what to do.

We swaddle her for both naps and bedtime (unless it's too hot at naptime, since she naps in places with no A/C.) I sing to her at a million different times during a day, and dh isn't nuts about singing, and we will both be putting her to bed on a regular basis. I also read to her at different times during the day. We don't bathe her every day, so that won't work at this point, either. What can we do that we can do every night, and build from?

Here's what I have so far: start putting her to bed at 11pm, to get her to sleep by midnight.

That's it! We need a ritual - it will be one of her only areas of consistency.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


07-08-2004, 11:25 PM
For us the ritual just kind of evolved based on DS cues and our normal process before bedtime. Anywhere from an hour before bed to maybe 15 min before bed, we strip him down to his dipe and let him wander around a bit. He's always loved this! Then, as bedtime gets closer, we change his dipe and put on his jammies. He then gets a bottle and snuggles with us until it's done. Usually he's pretty ready for bed at that point, but we both kiss him and tell him we love him and then he goes down. Later, as he is more able to sit for it, I'd really like to incorporate a bedtime story. We just haven't had the need for it, or even the time for it. He gets pretty grumpy if we don't follow his cues and get him to bed when the eye rubbing and whining starts.

Lots of other people give nightly baths or baby massage or sing a song or listen to a lullaby cd. Whatever works for you timewise and whatever soothes your daughter is what will work best for your family. Good luck!

07-09-2004, 12:43 AM
Our bedtime ritual since about 4 weeks has been
1. DH gives Madeline a bath
2. I give her a massage with DH there
3. One of us gives her last bottle
4. DH swaddles her and puts her down

I know you said you don't bathe your daughter every day but our nitetime bath is really just warm watter to relax her. I give her a real bath a few times a week but every night we put her in her tube and just pour the warm water over her. It really seems to relax her.

BTW - I read your post about having a difficult pregnancy and now having such a sweet natured baby and I have to tell you that it was the same for me. I was sick from the moment I got pregnant until the day I delivered her and now I have this wonderfully calm and easygoing child. This is especially amazing since I am neither!
