View Full Version : I'm afriad to watch SURVIVOR tonight- PREVIEWS

09-16-2004, 07:48 PM
The previews made it look like they might sacrifice/slaughter an animal or something...has anyone seen it...am I just thinking the worse...I wonder if someone has read anything about it.

I know I can't stomach that if they do such a thing...could they in this day and age get a way with that...I hope not!!!!

Steve thinks this too and said "well they won't show it" but I just can't stomach it if they show us a boar running around and then something happening to it...

Anyone have any insight...it has killed my excitement.
Neve and Tristan born Feb 25, 2003
* EDD 3/19/05 IT'S A GIRL
* Adopting siblings in Ukraine 1/05


09-16-2004, 08:09 PM
My first thought was that they were going to make them shave their heads. I would LOVE that.

I don't think it will be a slaughter. I don't think there would be all this build up and then we wouldn't see the actual event.

I actually had the seam thought though. But I thought they would make the contestents lower the ax.

09-16-2004, 08:29 PM
It really will KILL my whole thoughts on the show...I just don't think in this day and age they can really do such a thing but the first season they had them all have a pet chicken or pig or something and they had to kill that. I remember thinking they'd have to kick me off since I would let it go!!!!

But to not repeat such a stunt in all of the seasons told me they might have gotten some backlash for that...

I hope to God they don't do a slaughter...a shaving of the head would be funny, it would take away some of the ability for the hotties to be "marketable" when done don't you think????
Neve and Tristan born Feb 25, 2003
* EDD 3/19/05 IT'S A GIRL
* Adopting siblings in Ukraine 1/05


09-16-2004, 08:37 PM
Do you remember the girl from Long Island? I think her name was Kimmy. She refused to eat something during one of the contests b/c it was meat. Being a vegetarian the thought eating part of cow was just to gross.

Afterwards I saw a PETA ad that featured her that said "I would not eat meat even for a million dollars."

Are you a vegetarian, Neve? Or is it them exploiting the slaughter of animal that bothers you?

Edited to fix some of the spelling.

09-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Apparently the 'event' is a tribal ritual from the area so it is actually a cultural ceremony needed by the local tribes in order to permit the contestants to stay on the island. I believe they do eat the meat afterward so it is not wasted. This means it is no different from killing animals so you can have a burger (of course Neve if you are a vegetarian then I guess they are both gross).

If you recall in second season Michael killed a wild boar and they ate it. They were glad for the meat too because they were all starving.

09-16-2004, 10:00 PM
I was not thrilled with the show. Maybe because I was looking forward to it to much.

09-16-2004, 10:12 PM
Oh I'm not a vegitarian but I just have a problem seeing an animal get killed or even knowing about it.
For instance in college we had to get to know a animal and then dissect it taking notes on it alive and then dead and I walked out of the class, I preferred to take a "D" for that lab assignment...I actually argued that they couldn't give me an "F" since I was willing to study the animal alive...they agreed and I think actually gave me a "c" on the assignment that day.
I have to turn my back on hog trucks on the road if I dare "bond" with one whose snout is sticking out I fear I'd motion the truck driver over to the side of the road and buy the pig from him just to spare it.
I can't buy meat direct from a butcher knowing it is "that fresh"
and I can't know the fate of a farm animal if I see it (jsut yesterday Tristan and were at a country market with goats and i just couldn't stand to know their fate.
I can't pick a lobster from a tank to be killed for my dinner.
When I eat Peking duck (love it) I refuse to let them carve it infront of me where I am sitting, I just prefer not to see it lookin' like duck.

But my meat intake is very curtailed and I do have my moments...pigs are VERY hard for me to eat since I know how smart they are. And in five years can probably count how many times I have eaten pork on one hand (and that is while pregnant with T I craved deli sandwiches).

I have leather in all of my cars
I prefer nice Italian Farragamos to just about any shoe
and I sport a lot of suede in the winter

But I guess I justify that if an animal gave their life I'd prefer every ounce of them be used then instances like the Elephants in Africa where they are killed just for their tusk.
I never could leave meat uneaten on my plate and have to bring it home to atleast the pups so it doesn't go to waste.
I can't dare watch even a news segment on animal abuse it actually makes me sick to my stomach. I can't dare hear a story of a dog surviving death row for it makes me gag. All my animal rescue friends send me emails all day long of some animal in distress and I can't stomach it (eidted to add so I don't even open them).
I had to drop out of a purbred rescue because they posted a picture of a dog on death row in Florida (12 hours from my house) and because he wasn't a purebred they were not going to save him. Pregnant with Tristan I drove to the Georgia/Florida border just to get THAT DOG and save him. He now is a clinic pup at a vet office :)

I know it is strange behavior I admit it and it has intensified as I have gotten older, and to some degree as I have become a parent.

I don't allow Steve to kill any spiders!!!!
If I am naked in the tub and a spider comes along I grab a towel and run it outside...
I argued with him over not killing a wasp nest over the weekend that I felt was far enough from our "outside living area" that we could co exist...

I'm a weird girl I know :)

Neve and Tristan born Feb 25, 2003
* EDD 3/19/05 IT'S A GIRL
* Adopting siblings in Ukraine 1/05


09-16-2004, 10:19 PM
Well FOR ME I could beg to differ on the difference depending how an animal is killed...since I don't know how each one is killed I can't compare these experiences, but I do beleive there are differences in how an animal is killed. carrying one "hog tied" to a stick upside down doesn't seem to me like how they kill animals that become burgers...but I might be wrong...

Anyway each person has their own "feelings" this so happens to be one of mine...oddly I will admit.

Here were I live someone shared with me how a certain nationality buys goats from farms here and sacrifices them on the spot in some gross way, it is probaly some actual respectful ritual to the animal who knows, but it still made me sick to my stomach at the minor details that were shared with me let alone the full details.

Anyway none the less...I could not watch the segment IF it involved killing an animal...so I don't spoil the episode for others I won't say more till it is watched, thank god I have a hubby who knows me well and would turn of the TV instantly if it appeared to be the case.

Neve and Tristan born Feb 25, 2003
* EDD 3/19/05 IT'S A GIRL
* Adopting siblings in Ukraine 1/05


09-16-2004, 10:21 PM
Neither was I...in fear of spoiling it I will hold off for our Spoiler thread...but neither was I...
Neve and Tristan born Feb 25, 2003
* EDD 3/19/05 IT'S A GIRL
* Adopting siblings in Ukraine 1/05
