View Full Version : Pregnancy question: how early can/did you find out the sex?

10-12-2004, 06:16 PM
I had a vaginal U/S today at my OB's office. We saw something that would indicate the sex, but I am not sure how reliable it would be at 10 weeks. Did anyone find out the sex of their child really early? And did it end up being disproved or confirmed later in the pregnancy?

10-12-2004, 06:25 PM
My ob gave a guess at 13 weeks based on what he saw and each subsequent ultrasound confirmed it!

DS 6/03


10-12-2004, 06:37 PM
I had one at 10 weeks with Nathan and was told a girl. In fact I was told it was a girl at every u/s until week 32. Nathan was a late dropper according to the ob and his testicles didn't descend until late.
With the twins I've had u/s's every 2 weeks since week 8 and was told a boy/girl at 13 weeks. However at 18 weeks it was confirmed that both are boys.
I'd say it depends on the tech or ob or even the u/s machine. Plus it depends on your kid.

10-12-2004, 07:12 PM
They weren't able to confirm until 16w with Amelia and Sophie. Both of which were via amnio. Even though the perinatologist called it visually, he said he couldn't be certain till the amnio results came back.

We tried to find out at the nuchal fold test (13w?), but neither the tech nor I could discern anything. The baby was just too small.


10-12-2004, 08:45 PM
We were told at a 10 weeks u/s that we were having a girl. In the end, we lost the pregnancy, but testing determined that it was actually a boy. I would say for u/s wait until about 16 weeks. For our next pregnancy, we had a high resolution u/s at 16 weeks and were told it was a girl. I asked how sure they were and they said about 95%. I guess my little one was cooperating.

10-13-2004, 03:14 AM
Caroline, no advice for you since we didn't find out the sex. I didn't post when you originally announced so I just wanted to say congratulations and hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

Hmmmm - I am wondering if you have a girl if you will be able to stick w/ that nifty clothing roster you have designed. Clothes for little girls are so hard to resist!

Cute apple picking pix too - you and Nate both look great!

10-13-2004, 02:00 PM
I had a friend scan me at around 12 weeks so I could tell people at Christmas. That plus some emergency scans at around 15 weeks were correct. I can't remember my embryology enough to remember the weeks where they truly differentiate, but 10 weeks is plausible. Just don't go repainting the nursery, yet. ;)
trying-to-conceive :)
mama to Jack 6/6/03
Breastfeeding 16 months and counting

10-13-2004, 02:23 PM
My obgyn and the ultrasound doc said sex organs don't become externally visible until 14-15 weeks at the earliest. While some docs may guess, remember that they have a 50% of being right, no matter what they can or can't see!