View Full Version : When do age differences become less significant?

10-13-2004, 01:09 PM
I have been thinking and thinking about this. At the infant stage, months make a huge difference in terms of development, this kind of slows down at toddler stage, although, say - 6m - still is dramatic.

By the time we are in elementary school, a year or two seems to be the cornerstone.

But then once in highschool and college it becomes years. I now have friends that easily span 20 years older than me and 10 years younger.

So when does it stop making a difference?


10-13-2004, 03:11 PM
Since I am taking a break from work here's my long winded .02 on this. I think that once you are over 21, age stops mattering as long as you share similar interests, situations, ect. I say 21 because it is the last time I remember age really being a factor in things. Before 21 going out with older friends could be "tricky" so age played a role in what was happening and who was included.

Most of my younger friends went to lawschool with me or are married with a child so we have many things in common. On the other hand, I have several friends my age that I find myself growing apart from because they are single and still love to go out and party. Those years are so far behind me that I can't even see them in my rearview mirror. At this point in my life regardless of age I feel closest to other mommies and daddies because quite honestly the majority of my life revolves around my daughter and I find that other mommies have BTDT and can understand.

10-13-2004, 03:16 PM
I don't think it ever really does. Although I do have friends who are a few years older and a few years younger than me, my closest friends and the people I feel most connected to are no more than 2 years in either direction of my age.

10-13-2004, 03:42 PM
I would say late twenties/early thirties. I really don't think much about people's ages anymore. Probably because I don't want to be reminded that we're all getting older, LOL. I just turned 33, and I have close friends who are in their early 40s.

10-13-2004, 03:51 PM
I think it happens at some point in your twenties.. although for some people, it doesn't happen until later.

For me, most of my friends are 5-10 years older than me. That's because I'm not friends with any of the people I went to HS or college with anymore (because they're single and childless). My friends are moms I've met here and there, and in our area, most people wait until their 30s to have children. I'm 24, so sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable being so much younger than them. That said, we do get a long great and I have so much more in common with them than people my own age.

Actually, now that I think about it, I've always gotten along better with people who were a little bit older than me. I've never really been into the whole melodrama and partying thing. :)