View Full Version : my GOD tantrums already ?????????????

10-19-2004, 05:07 PM
is it possible at almost 1 year to have them already ? Sydney started because she couldn't get her long sleeve shirt off, hates long sleeves ( she's wearing a onsie ) then was pissed off about wearing a jacket, trying to get the sleeves off, trying to staighten her body in the stroller, having a fit, as soon as we got back home I rolled her sleeves up ( she HAS to get used to wearing them ) & put her in the crib, slept only a half hour, not long enough & is screaming now, I'm not taking her out yet, she needs more sleep or at least to calm down, I know i'll give in though soon then regret it, what do I do , do , I dont want a brat, she also always cries when getting a diaper change & just started kicking in frustration ! Oh as soon as she's dont eating in the highchair she has to cry to get out, she cant just relax a second & also cries when I wip eoff her hands & face, she is driving me nuts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-19-2004, 05:19 PM
Yes, tantrums are going to be a big thing for awhile. They are terribly frustrating, often embarrassing and will happen a LOT. You have to remain consistent. That is your most important job in regard to tantrums. Pick your battles and stick to your guns. Not everything is worth the battle. And giving lots of attention to the tantrun can be reinforcing. Try to ignore it when you can.

10-19-2004, 09:50 PM
Colwyn definitely does the screaming to get out of the booster seat thing. Luckily he doesn't flip out about clothes, but he screams bloody murder if I take him away from something he wants but can't have.

I try to just ignore it when I can (get on with the face wiping and not comment on his screeches) and distract when I have to ("I know you want to play with the dog's water, but here is a toy instead"). Unfortunately, we live with my parents, and my mom does NOT follow that at all. She's all for giving him whatever he wants, and that drives me more crazy than the actual tantrum. :(

10-20-2004, 12:25 AM
Joshua has always been a big boy for his age, so when he turned one was throwing awful, full scale on the ground tantrums, someone said to me, "Oh! it must be the terrible twos!". I sighed and said, "Yes, but they hit a whole year early" ;)

Now he is two, and the tantrums continue. They are not worse like I thought they would be, but the same. I am hanging on to hope that it really does get better as they age. Until then, please pass the Tylenol!