View Full Version : Can I brag about DS for a minute?!!

11-11-2004, 02:05 PM
Kaleb just freaked me out at lunch. Sometimes his memory just amazes me. He has a placemat that shows the map of the U.S. and has been learning some of the states. It started a couple of months ago when we showed him that we live in Ohio and his brother in Indiana (at Purdue) and his grandparents in Illinois. He quickly memorized them and started asking about more. So, one day about a month ago, I sang him a song that I learned a long time ago. It lists all 50 states in alphabetical order, so I pointed to each state as I sang the song. He started learning quite a few of the states. Now, at dinner our conversations go like this..."is this North Dakota Mommy?" "Yes, Kaleb it is." "Where is Colorado, Daddy?" "It's right here, Kaleb."

So, today, he looks at me and points to Alabama and starts singing Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas...all the way to Indiana! I think that's 14 states. Then he jumped to the New ... states and finished most of the rest!! I got tears in my eyes because I was so shocked and amazed! I haven't done the song in more than a week, and he's never seemed like he was trying to sing it before. Then to have him sing a large portion of the 50 states out of the blue!

Anyways, sorry to toot my horn about my DS, but I just wanted to share with someone how smart my little guy is.
Thanks for listening (reading)!!

11-11-2004, 02:07 PM

That's amazing. Wow. I'm speechless. Get that kid on Letterman!

11-11-2004, 02:16 PM
Yowsers, yes toot your horn, that's just amazing!!!!!!!! Looks like you've got a genius on your hands!!


11-11-2004, 02:24 PM
Wow! Toot away! Goes to show that all of those times when it appears they aren't listening, they are really absorbing everything (and not just the bad stuff)!

11-11-2004, 04:03 PM
That's too cool! I sing a song about the states to my dd too. It ends with "Wyoming is the last state in the 50 states that rhyme". Is that the same one you know? I know people must think I'm insane (like, gee lady, sing your child a lullaby), but I swear she prefers it over the other songs. :)

11-11-2004, 04:23 PM
The one I sing starts "Fifty, nifty, United States, from 13 original colonies..." I learned it in the 5th grade! For some reason the ability to say all 50 states in alphabetical order has stuck with me for almost 30 years. Why can't I remember where I put my keys and other things that are important?!! LOL!

11-12-2004, 04:31 AM
Wow! That is amazing. You have such a smart little boy. Time to break out the video camera!

11-12-2004, 04:49 AM
In fourth grade I learned the names of the Presidents in order... never learned the states song... anyway, I too still remember the Presidents and forget the things that would actually be important in my life! I do great at Trival Pursuit, but ask me my friend's phone number, or how old I am- and I have no idea.

Your son is amazing!! Never underestimate your child. Jacob learned all the months of the year, many states, how to add, etc... all before kindergarten. He was a sponge and loved to learn and "play school". Keep up the good work, mommy!!

11-12-2004, 07:17 AM
Okay, that's totally amazing and wonderful! :) Where (online) can I learn all these songs to sing to DD? :P


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