View Full Version : Have any of you had your kiddos fingerprinted?

11-29-2004, 09:49 PM
Every once in a while I see those ads for weekend events where you can get your kiddo fingerprinted and video taped.

I know it's probably for older school aged kids, but it's always in the back of my mind. We haven't done it, although I keep current pics of Sophie.

Do you plan on doing something like this God forbid something horrible should happen?

It truly scares the hell out of me, but I know I should consider doing it.


11-29-2004, 10:05 PM
The sheriff's office had a both set up at the county fair so we did it. I don't think I would of gone out of my way to do it because I don't PLAN on having my kids lost... But it is like fire insurance I am glad we have it.

My son is K and he just has his school photo done. It seems all of the photos gone into a database. They give you a small photo with and access # so police can get the photo offline ASAP. A little scary but I have it in my wallet.

11-29-2004, 10:25 PM
State Farm Insurance was handing out DIY fingerprint kits at the mall one day so I took one and did Colin's at home. I know it's not quite the same thing- but I thought it might help a little in the event that something horrible happened.

11-30-2004, 01:42 AM
my MOMs club field trip last month was to the police station for fingerprinting and safety tips. Dh actually took DD because i had a dentist appt. he came home with a trifold card with DD's photo on it (taken there that day) and her handprints on it. DH said the police told them fingerprints aren't fully formed til age two, so the full handprint would be better. the card had blank spots for us to fill out info--blood type, birthmarks, weight, height, name adress, phones, friends, drs, dentists, etc. also a spot to put a hair sample. it was pretty complete. I'm glad i have the info handy in one place.

Anne + DD 10-03

11-30-2004, 04:37 AM
I think I have an old set from when Jacob was in Kindergarten- but if I had to find it, I doubt I find it quickly. I never thought to have Logan's done, but I'm sure it is a good idea. It is such a sickening thought that we have to concern ourselves with this...

11-30-2004, 07:35 AM
We did it this summer, the Free Masons were set uyp in a booth at a local fair. We have his prints, videotape, pic (which I always have recent ones) and a DNA sample (from a bite print into some dental material)> I put it all in the safety deposit box. Morbid, but free and one thing I can "cehck off" my list!

11-30-2004, 10:07 AM
We have taken them for the kind that is just on an id. I have gotten them IDs pretty much every year. Last year we did it through dd's school. They were like little drivers liscences which is perfect for keeping in your purse. I liked those the best because I know if one of the kids goes missing while we are out, I have all their info right there, I don't have to think of it while I am in a panic. It has a photo, birth info, allergies, address, etc. Dh's work did great ones one year also, but they were the size of work IDs and didn't fit in my wallet. I haven't had them done yet this year, but my dad is going to do them for me. He loves the ones I got last year. He is planning to make ones similar and laminate them too (he works with the pd in his area, and he thinks it is important). :-) Handy! I know even as a kid we had our prints taken to be put on file with the police department in case of an emergency. I don't think they do that anymore though.

11-30-2004, 10:25 AM
Out of curiosity, what is the value in having your child fingerprinted? I have pondered this and honestly cannot figure out a good reason for doing so. I have seen the fairs and heard the kits advertised, but they never say WHY you should have it done.

11-30-2004, 11:12 AM
I hate to say this, but to have positive identification should their body be found.



11-30-2004, 11:24 AM
Hi Marisa,
It is better practice to keep an up to date picture of your little ones with all vital information on the back such as: height, weight, eye color, distinguishing birth marks/moles etc, hair color, favorites such as food, shows, music, pets. Fingerprinting is fine, however as you noted, fingerprints are only good to ID a body and obviously by that time, it's too late. The first 24-48 hours after a disappearance is the most critical time. Searches will take place and fingerprints are no good. A good picture would be vital to the search. Also, law enforcement encourages that one saves a piece of clothing of some sort that has the child's scent on it. This is also invaluable if dogs were called to search.
Scary to think about, but sadly in this day and age it happens far too much.


11-30-2004, 12:17 PM
See this is the only reason I could come up with too. But why do you need to get them printed to do this? It can't be that hard to get your child's fingerprints off an object at home if (heaven forbid) it should ever be necessary. Frankly, I'm not getting my child fingerprinted for that reason.

11-30-2004, 02:14 PM
Good pt. And if it were really that important, wouldn't they do at at ped's offices??

11-30-2004, 06:45 PM
No finger prints but we do have a DNA (cheek swab)sample in the freezer just in case. DH didn't want to do it b/c he thought it was a bit odd but...

12-01-2004, 01:32 AM
Another reason would be if a child was stolen and was away from you for years. The child might not remember you and in order to prove it is your child, fingerprints might be helpful. Of course, bloodwork would also determine that the child was yours- but fingerprints are faster. Or if you've adopted, the bloodwork wouldn't help at all and fingerprints would be pretty critical.