View Full Version : Cervidil Question - Any Experiences Out There?

12-01-2004, 12:52 PM
I'm scheduled to check into L&D next Tuesday afternoon (12/7) so my OB can use Cervidil to prepare my cervix for a Wednesday morning induction.

Have any of y'all been induced with Cervidil? Was it awful? Easy? Did you end up with a c-section?

Right now, I'm okay with being induced. I understand that I won't be able to be mobile during early labor, which isn't what I wanted, and I was already planning to get an epidural around 5 cm, so it's not like I'm mourning the unmedicated, non-intervention delivery of my dreams, but still - I'm a little freaked by the 20% c-section rate that I've read about with Cervidil, as well as the tiny risk of uterine rupture that has a 25% infant mortality rate.

My OB is pretty sure that I won't go into labor on my own between now and next Tuesday, and my body certainly isn't showing any signs of delivering anytime soon. No mucous, no show, I'm not even having menstrual-like cramping anymore, and I had been until a week ago.

Thanks in advance for your help!

12-01-2004, 12:58 PM
I was induced with cervidil and had an emergency c/s because DS was in fetal distress. I was 0 cm dilated, and they did cervidil that morning. I started having long (like 10 minute), unproductive contractions that put DS into distress (heartrate in the 50s). This was only about 2 hours after applying the cervidil. I never dilated at all.

I don't regret the c/s too much, because I had some extenuating medical circumstances that caused them to do the induction in the first place. However, the circumstances the c/s happened under were scary as hell and I don't wish them on anyone.

Is there any serious medical reason why you need to deliver by next Wednesday? If not, I really wouldn't risk it. Just my 2 cents. Please let me know if you want any more info.

12-01-2004, 01:03 PM
Is Cervidil the suppository insert? I think so, but my memories of being induced are a little fuzzy. I had the suppository insert and my OB warned me that it can cause very rapid, intense contractions in some women, which may necessitate an emergency c-section. The suppository is on a string so that they can remove it quickly if complications develop. I had to stay on a monitor except for trips to the bathroom, so I was not able to move around after they inserted it. I started having contractions after about 4 hours, but they were not too bad. Once they started me on pitocin the contractions became MUCH MUCH MUCH worse and I was begging for an epidural. I did not have to have a c-section and had a relatively quick labor. Thanks to the strong pitocin-inducted contractions I dilated very fast. Good Luck!!!!

Mommy to Annabelle Mae 9/8/03

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

mary b
12-01-2004, 01:14 PM

I had one with my first DD and had a very good experience with it. We went into the hospital on Sunday nite, had it inserted, started some contractions but nothing major in the middle of the nite, started picotin at 8 am , had an epidural, and delivered a healthy baby after 2 1/2 hours of pushing at 6:30PM.

The reasons for being induced were similar to yours; was 10 days late, wasn't showing any signs of delivering, no dilation etc...

For me, the experience was very positive.
Please let me know if you have any other questions and TAKE CARE!!

mom to Noelle and Lindsey

12-01-2004, 01:49 PM
I had almost exactly the same experience as Mary for the very same reasons (12 days late, absolutely no signs of dilation, etc.) and I agree, the entire experience was all very positive.

12-01-2004, 01:55 PM
Hi, Teri,

I also had a good experience with this, but it really varies from case to case. I'd been having Braxton Hicks contractions the previous couple of nights before the appointment. No mucous, no show, but some dilation and effacement.

I was lucky-- I was one of the 2-5 % of people for whom Cervidil actually sends into labor. In fact, I was up at 3am feeling like a wimp because I had to ask the nurse for some pain killer-- I didn't know that I was already in active labor by that point. Didn't need any pitocin except for the very end; pushed for 1.25 hours, everything was fine. Delivered a 8 pound 5 oz. baby girl that afternoon.

Induction is always a little scary: I hope for the best for you. Try not to worry too much about percentages and such (I actually didn't know the figures you mentioned, fortunately. Sometimes I feel we have too much information in this age!)-- you may find everything going a lot smoother than you thought possible.

12-01-2004, 02:13 PM
My labour was induced with Cervidil. Labour had to be induced because Isaac wasn't moving much, the amniotic fluid levels were very low, and there was danger of him putting weight on his umbilical cord and smothering.

I was monitored constantly, and if his heartrate had dropped during contractions, I would have required an emergency C-section. As it was, I had to stay flat on my back, because his heartrate was dropping every time I even turned on my side.

The Cervidil took a long time to work on me -- so long that they took it out and were about to do a mechanical dilation (eek!) when it finally started working. After that, they started the Pitocin. Contractions on the Pitocin were quite intense, but I got an epidural (I had wanted to avoid one so I could walk around, but that wasn't happening for other reasons), and that turned it down enough that I could still feel everything that was happening, but it didn't hurt. In the end, I had to push only twice; my OB commented that it was the easiest delivery she'd ever attended.

For now, just remember that the end result is what matters: it's the baby that counts, not how it gets into the world.

12-01-2004, 02:43 PM
Teri -

I haven't read other responses yet, but I just wanted to say that everyone's experience is unique, so if there are any horror stories, don't stress yourself out over them!!

I was induced with cervidil and pitocin. Labor and delivery were the easiest part of my pregnancy. I did have an epidural and believe me, I knew BEFORE I got pregnant that I was going to get it. I hate pain. I'm a really, really big baby about it. In fact, when the doctor told me I was pregnant, I actually asked him to insert the epidural then, LOL!

I had about an hour of painful contractions before they inserted the epidural. Other than that, it was quite smooth sailing. I was even allowed to be fairly mobile and they encouraged me to use the big bath tub to soak for a while.

Best of luck.

12-01-2004, 02:55 PM
I haven't read the other responses (lunch hour almost over!) but I had an induction that started with Cervadil overnight (2 doses) on a Wednesday with pitocin started on Thursday morning. The cervadil alone did nothing for me. I was showing no signs of labor, but my DS needed to come out because of IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). I was due that Friday and that was when DS was born - via c-section. So I did have a failed induction. Just mentally prepare for that outcome at the end of a long induction. The cervadil alone won't make or break your induction - you will get pitocin if the cervadil alone doesn't do anything. If you are getting tons of pitocin there is really no reason no to get the epidural earlier than 5 cm - check with your doctor. I personally wouldn't worry about uterine rupture with Cervadil - are you sure you aren't thinking of Cytotec? I know that is considered to be more risky in that regard.

mom to Jacob 9/27/02

12-01-2004, 02:58 PM
I was induced with cervedil (at 14 days over, and I'd recommend waiting until then unless there's some reason to go earlier -- at 7 days over you're well within the normal range for a first baby, and 14 days is the current recommendation). I was 0% effaced, 0% dilated, the baby was not engaged, and I was having no noticeable contractions. I went into labour within an hour of inserting the cervedil! I ended with some pitocin at the very end, but I was mobile until I had an epidural after 3 hours on pitocin (I stalled at almost fully dilated and was at 9.5 centimeters for 9 hours, 5 of them on pitocin). The only real problem was that they gave me the world's greenest nurse because they figured I wouldn't go into labour, and nobody figured out I was actually really in labour for a very long time, and then she was useless and panicky and the night was therefore pretty nasty. I could go on about her but that would be more suitable for the bitching post. (But really, when I told her the anti-nausea drug wasn't working, she said helpfully that I could have some more when it wore off! But she didn't offer any help with the actual throwing up, like a basin, a cold cloth, some mouthwash... DH found all of those eventually without her help, but this is not exactly advanced nursing skills here.)

So it was eventful, but I was mobile, and the baby was born without a C-section.

12-01-2004, 03:01 PM
I had to be induced at 37 weeks with Jackson because of HBP. I don't regret it at all. I had not heard the bad stories about Cervidil. I went in on Sunday night. They did a series of Cervidel supp. through out the night. My contractions started about 2 hrs. after the first one. Nothing bad at all! The next morning at 8 they started the pitocin and then the contractions hit big time! At 7:47pm I had a perfect little boy. :) It was worth it. Don't stress too much over it. You always hear about the things that go wrong but don't often hear about all the successful deliveries. Good luck!
Mommy to Jackson 11-10-02
and Surprise! #2 EDD 6-28-05



12-01-2004, 03:26 PM
I was induced with cervadil as well.

First off, make sure you eat something prior to going to the hospital because once they insert the cervadil (suppository...I kept calling it the hormonal tampon)you have to stay put for 2 hours- no moving, no bathroom visits. They will hook you up to an IV to keep you hydrated & as a precation- because there is the risk of labor coming on quickly & the need for an emergency C section they want everything to be ready to go. They will have the baby (via your abdomen) hooked up to monitors as well.

That said- my dr was concerned since I had gestational diabetes & didn't want me going much past my due date. I went into the hospital for cervadil around 1pm & laid there like a lox for 2 hours, the only discomfort I experienced was that I was cramped from trying to lie still & I was staaaaaaarving since I hadn't eaten! After 2 hours I was wheeled to my room where my roomate was already installed with her family, watching TV, ordering food, making noise, etc. My husband went home around 7pm since it was snowing & I was showing no signs of activity. I wanted to eat, read & go to sleep since I was being induced with pitocin at 7AM the next morning but was having no luck. At around 1:30am they removed the cervadil & I continued trying to sleep. After a bit of tossing & turning & generally feeling crappy I realized that I would feel better for awhile, then crappy & so wondered if maybe this was labor & if I should start timing things. After an hour of these contractions 5 minutes apart I called my husband & told him to come back to the hospital since I was in labor. The nurse checked on me, I explained that I was in labor & felt like such a hero because the breathing was working & these cramps weren't any big deal.

Well...by the time my husband got there I was REALLY in labor & only 1 1/2 cm dialated. I was begging for some sort of pain killer since I figured that I'd be laboring like this for DAYS if I hadn't really dialated yet. Eventually I was given some demerol & hooked back up to the monitor. The baby came about an hour later- apparantly the demerol helped to relax me enough so that my cervix opened right up. All told about 3 hours of labor from "I feel kinda crappy" to baby. No fetal distress, no emergency anything, no epidural & no need for pitocin.

Everyone's different & I'd try not to worry about what the cervadil may & may not do. Just think positive and practice your breathing (hey, it'll give you something to do while you're waiting for those first two hors to pass).

And good luck!


12-01-2004, 09:53 PM
I had a wonderful experience with Cervidil for my first delivery. I wasn't dilated or effaced when I received the cervidil. After removing the insert I was 3 1/2 cm and having regular contractions. I delivered the baby 1 hour and 20 minutes later. We never got to the pitocin.

With my second delivery the doctor used Cytotec instead of Cervidil. It is very similiar, but he preferred that because I was slightly dilated. I wanted him to use the Cervidil instead. I didn't have near the results. I continued to labor with Pitocin for another 5 hours after removing the Cytotec. I eventually had an eclamptic seizure and had a uterine rupture which required an emergency hysterectomy. I don't know how much the Cytotec contributed to that, but I obviously had a much better experience with the Cervidil.

12-01-2004, 09:56 PM
We had a cervidil followed by Pitocin induction (after 6 weeks of PTL!!!! stubborn child!!) The cervidil part was nothing....but the pit sucked butt!!! My OB had warned me about the c-section risk which was higher because I had been having contrax. for so long that my body had forgotten to kick them up a notch.

12-02-2004, 12:36 AM
I did not have to lie still for 2 hours with mine. (I did also lose one of them, but it was more than 2 hours after it was inserted, and lying down wouldn't have helped as it came out while I was throwing up. Sorry for the image.)

12-02-2004, 01:15 AM
I was induced with Cervidil with both of my kids, and it was a great experience.

My first induction was because I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia (sp?). I was 39 weeks, so I was plenty ready! My water broke 5 hours after the cervidil was inserted, and labor really began at that time. My dd was born just 4 hours later. I was able to do it drug free - just used what I had learned in hypno-birthing classes.

With my second, I was at my regular check up on my due date and my doctor asked if I wanted to be induced that day. I said, yes, but only if it could be done with Cervidil. I had such a good experience the first time that I wanted to go that route again. And again, my water broke 5 hours after the Cervidil was inserted. Only this time my son was born 45 minutes later! My doctor arrived too late and the nurse delivered him - it was crazy!

Both of my labors were short and intense, but I'll take that any day over long and drawn out.

Don't dwell on those negative statistics. Just keep your thoughts positive, and RE-LAX. :)

Susan 4/01
David 6/03

12-02-2004, 07:33 AM
I had to be induced because baby failed the NST, just wasn't moving enough and doc thought it was time for him to come out.

So they inserted the Cervidil around 6 pm or so. The plan was that if the Ceridil worked and jump started labor on it's own for me then I wouldn't need Pitocin. Well, it worked!

That whole night I was contracting regularly and good, the were coming on very strong by morning, but I was only about 3 cm. I was not getting any help from dh or nurses or anyone and couldn't continue without the epi. First the ob broke my water, and tried to get out the Cervidil (it's a vaginal suppository), but couldn't find it! Man, that part hurt, she was trying VERY hard to get at it and never did find the thing. We think it fell out during the night when I went to the bathroom.

Anyway, I got the epi at about 8:30 am, and had a beautiful healthy baby at 1:45 that day.

I think you'll be fine!

Good luck!

ETA: It was a vaginal delivery, too.

12-02-2004, 07:33 AM
I had to be induced because baby failed the NST, just wasn't moving enough and doc thought it was time for him to come out.

So they inserted the Cervidil around 6 pm or so. The plan was that if the Ceridil worked and jump started labor on it's own for me then I wouldn't need Pitocin. Well, it worked!

That whole night I was contracting regularly and good, the were coming on very strong by morning, but I was only about 3 cm. I was not getting any help from dh or nurses or anyone and couldn't continue without the epi. First the ob broke my water, and tried to get out the Cervidil (it's a vaginal suppository), but couldn't find it! Man, that part hurt, she was trying VERY hard to get at it and never did find the thing. We think it fell out during the night when I went to the bathroom.

Anyway, I got the epi at about 8:30 am, and had a beautiful healthy baby at 1:45 that day.

I think you'll be fine!

Good luck!

ETA: It was a vaginal delivery, too.

12-02-2004, 10:53 AM
Oh, I can't thank y'all enough for your advice and for sharing your experiences. I actually feel a lot more reasurred now about the Cervidil - I've heard so many horror stories about Cytotec that I was starting to freak that Cervidil might be just as bad.

I was initially thinking that my husband could just sleep at home while I was being Cervidil-ed overnight and then join me early in the morning, but from what you all have said, I think it will be best if he stays with me in case labor does start. I'm checking in to L&D at 4 p.m. and I suppose I'll get the Cervidil around 5 - one thing I now know I need to make sure to check is when I'll have to stop eating, as my biggest labor fear is getting hungry.

12-02-2004, 11:03 AM
I asked about this when I was being induced. Actually, come to think of it, I asked when I was choosing my hospital, because I didn't want them to deny me food because of some arbitrary policy if I had a long labour and was hungry! What they specifically told me when I was being induced was to eat if I felt hungry, and that at some point as labour progressed, I wouldn't want to eat any more. At that point, I should stop.

12-02-2004, 11:12 AM
My DH left to get a good nights sleep because the Doc said nothing would happen. They took the Cervidil out at 8:30 am and the baby was born at 9:50 am. DH showed up at 8:15 am, so he barely made it. Plus, although I didn't know it at the time, I was in the early stages of labor all night and couldn't sleep a wink. It was back labor and my first baby, so I didn't realize what was going on. I didn't complain to the nurses about pain, so when the monitor was showing contractions, they didn't think they were real.

12-02-2004, 11:15 AM
BTW, I didn't have to be at the hospital until 8:00 pm and he told me to eat a good meal before I come.

12-02-2004, 01:15 PM
Trust me, eat before you go to the hospital. Since my dr told me that I could eat when I got to the hospital (part of the GD diet is that you have to keep you meals & snacks at least 2 hours apart) I had made some yummy roasted red pepper & smoked mozzarella sandwiches thinking that my husband & I could dine during those first two hours when you're supposed to stay still. The nurse said no way, I should have eaten before I got there. When I told her that the Dr said it would be OK she said "don't ask the Dr, always ask the nurse". So it was a huuuuungry 2 hours until I could move & descend on my sandwich!

If you can have your husband stay with you during the 12 hour cervadil-athon that would be ideal. In my case I was in a shared room with no place for my husband to sleep except for a metal, straight backed chair. We both figured that it would be best if he went home. As it turned out neither of us got much sleep that night but at least the baby was well rested ;).

Good luck! And keep us posted.
