View Full Version : OT - Pet Peeves

12-04-2004, 12:04 AM
I must be in a bad mood lately, because all day I was noticing all of these things that just got to me. So I ask, what are your biggest pet peeves?

Mine are:
-linty toilet paper
-teaching children incorrect grammar and pronunciation
-spelling errors in books
-people who aren't happy unless they're the center of attention (for instance, my mother trying to steal the show at my wedding)
-people who are chintzy with good will (for instance, my sister, who asked that I not introduce my new fiance to family and friends at her wedding so that I wouldn't steal her thunder)
-people who don't clean up after themselves

12-04-2004, 12:12 AM
Passive aggressive MILs who invite themselves along on your family vacation!!!

There are plenty others but this is definitely my pet peeve du jour.

12-04-2004, 12:25 AM
nail clipping in public--eewww yuck!
people who don't use their blinkers (turn signals)
people who don't yield while backing out of parking spaces
people who don't return their shopping cart

12-04-2004, 12:28 AM
Was someone at the store today? I hope that's not where you saw the person clipping their nails in public :P

12-04-2004, 12:34 AM
Ugh! I'm sorry to hear that, Lori. Hope you have a fun time anyway!

kelly ann
12-04-2004, 12:35 AM
This is an easy one for me...

People that don't wash their hands after using the restroom...I am amazed at how many women do this! I have no idea how men are - maybe I will have DH look into this for me :)

12-04-2004, 12:43 AM
A lot of things are bothering me today, but one of them can be summed up as a pet peeve:

People who use "leverage" as a verb. Ugh!

(Can you tell my DH had a videoconference meeting to watch today? :P)

kelly ann
12-04-2004, 12:50 AM
LOL! I am sure we can have a category for buzz words/phrases people say in meetings!

12-04-2004, 01:10 AM
I was commiserating with DH over the whole thing today (there was one thing in the meeting following the video that nearly caused him to just say, "I quit," and hang up), and the best thing I could think to say was, "Well, at least you could have played a good game of Buzzword Bingo." So I think that's a very good category!

12-04-2004, 03:36 AM
People who are obsessed with gender specific items for baby and shriek if you give your baby boy a purple blankie or put your girl in a blue carseat.

November post election airchair polical pundits. I really don't care what you have to say unless you are interested year round.

People who offer help but don't really mean it.

Greedy gift seekers.

The fact that my husband ALWAYS runs our car down to empty before refilling the gas tank. I would refill it but I hardly drive and never check the meter unless I am driving. And it is always full when I drive.

People who try to sell junk that they should just give away or dump.

AND the real kicker...I have been getting a lot of "Christian" themed values mumbo jumbo from my ILs but alas, their son (my husband) was raised not knowing ANYTHING about church, the bible or religious history. They were C and E vaguely protestant. Heck, if your son does not know the Lord's Prayer or what Lent is or what happens on the 12th day of Christmas.... then you can't lecture me, raised in a devout family and given extensive religious instruction on what you think might be in the Bible. PLEASE...I have read it 6 times.

kelly ann
12-04-2004, 08:29 AM
I thought of another one...

Political and religious emails from family members. Especially when they know you are members of the other political party and you don't agree with any of the views in the email. This just burns me up, but SIL (who always send these) and myself are not on speaking terms so this isn't bugging me anymore :)

12-04-2004, 10:41 AM
OMG, that's definitely one of my all time pet peeves too.

And people who wipe their noses on their hand during a business meeting - and I have to shake the hand at the end of the meeting! YUCK YUCK YUCK!

12-04-2004, 10:42 AM
repeating a few, but that is how we all know that we are kindred spirits...

people who don't return their shopping carts. are you THAT friggin' busy that you can't put things away where they belong?

email forwards. especially political and religious and sappy "have a great day" emails with lots of smily kitties and crap. especially when they come from someone who never actually sends you a MESSAGE. if you don't have time to write to ME, then i don't have time to read your forwards.

baby/toddler/children's clothing with junk all over it. especially for boys. race cars, footballs, "sport," "champ" etc etc. my 2 year old will not race cars and he doesn't even have to play football if he doesn't want to. he doesn't need to wear these things on his clothes. also, character clothing. (aka walking advertising for sponge bob, who is SO stupid IMO.)

people who are too stuck up to be friendly to me. i guess because they already have enough friends. or because my outfit isn't pristine enough. (sonia: the preschool moms who keep snubbing us when we try to be so friendly!)

anyone who says, "oooooooooh, this must be your first child..." when i say that he doesn't get sugar treats or that i use cloth diapers or that i breastfed for over a year or that he doesn't get to wear clothes with barney on them. as i always say, i am pretty darn sure that i am going to love my second child just as much as my first and therefore want to do what is best for him, too. we will do the best we can and make changes if necessary. but we are going to CD, BF and withhold lollipops this time, too.

12-04-2004, 10:42 AM
Thanks, Sarah! I think that we've got her back under control now, but it has been more stress than I needed this week!

12-04-2004, 10:44 AM
People who don't hold the door for a stroller coming through - or even worse, stand behind you with your stroller and expect YOU to hold the door open for THEM as they follow you through!

12-04-2004, 11:07 AM
Parties/Meals where there are no vegetarian or chicken entrees/offerings. This is my biggest pet peeve!

dr mom
12-04-2004, 01:23 PM
I think most of mine have to do with selfishness and inconsideration on the part of others.

- people who drive way too fast through residential neighborhoods. This is my #1 pet peeve right now - the speed limit is 25, do you really need to race down my street at 50 mph??

- people who are cavalier about their children's well-being: not using carseats, unwillingness to discipline or set limits.

- people who bring obviously sick children to parties or daycare and don't have the courtesy to notify other parents of their child's illness.

- people who let their pets run loose and refuse to have them vaccinated and spayed or neutered, which increases the pet overpopulation problem and spreads disease.

- people (strangers) who try to touch my DS without permission. I mean, how would you feel if I walked up to you and pinched YOUR face with no warning?

- family members who question my parenting decisions, not in a supportive or constructive way, but harsh and critical.

I'm sure I can think of more, but it sure felt good to vent my spleen a little.

What I'm grateful for: having the Boards to keep me sane and provide a voice of reason! :)

12-04-2004, 01:27 PM
People who sniffle and snortle and sniffle and snortle and don't ever think to get up for a tissue. What, are they like 2 years old??

People who have their kids pray to Santa every night. What the @#$%? (BIL's family - I kid you not!)

Having the front door of my doorman building locked when I show up with a baby and packages in my arms.

And this is a huge one - people who tell their kids to stop doing something "or else", and then NEVER following through.

12-04-2004, 05:31 PM
EWWW!!! I forgot the snortle/sniffle crowd, but don't forget the ones who do that thing that sounds like they're churning out a hairball - GROSS!!!

12-04-2004, 08:18 PM
My latest one is when people say, "110%". Something can only be 100%! If you are going to say a number greater than that, why stop at 110? Why not 117? 132? 5,397?! UGH!

I also get so irked when folks don't wash their hands after going to the restroom. GROSS.

And, hopefully this won't offend anyone, but it's "definItely", NOT "definAtely".

Thank you!

12-04-2004, 08:33 PM
In-laws who come to visit and then say, "Wow, we sure have wrecked your house!" Yes, you have. And, since you have noticed, why don't you clean up after yourselves!!!

kelly ann
12-04-2004, 10:24 PM
EEEWWWW! I have never noticed this - now I will be checking out my co-workers in meetings from now on!

12-04-2004, 10:37 PM
-- replacing an adjective w/ an adverb (i.e., "Drive safe" when it really should be "Drive safely")
-- people who don't pull over/stop for ambulances, fire trucks or police cars w/ sirens. Don't they have these laws in Wisconsin and New Hampshire (two states whose license plates adorn the cars I most commonly see failing to pull over)
-- people who have no concept that when someone asks you what you want for a gift-giving occasion, not only are you supposed to answer the question, you are supposed to ask the asker too!

12-05-2004, 08:14 AM
Let's see. My favorite these days are:

- incorrect grammar, especially when people use "there's..." when they mean "there are..." because what follows is plural

- drivers who tailgate ME when I'm driving the speed limit

- people who have lives that are always better or worse than mine, depending on the story I'm telling. My story just can't be good enough.

- people who basically tell me my choices are wrong while they are defending their own choices (for example, I have a friend who will stop BFing at 4.5 months when she returns to work. She tells me that BF past 3 or 4 months doesn't have any health benefits for the baby and she doesn't understand why anyone would BF longer than that. Also, cloth diapers and making my own baby food are way too much work and why would I even consider it?)

- people who leave their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and stand next to it, making sure no one else could possibly go down the aisle with their cart.

This was fun.

12-05-2004, 09:07 AM
Cola in a baby bottle- arrgh!!