View Full Version : Can amoxycillin cause major gas?

12-16-2004, 12:35 AM
First, thank you to all of you who responded with tips for soothing sore throats. I did read them, but I haven't been able to type much lately as K has been super glued to me while she's been sick. We went to the ped Monday and were put on amoxycillin for an ear infection. So, we've been doing motrin for the pain (we have teeth on the way too) and the antibiotics. The last two nights, she's gotten really fussy around bedtime after being given both medicines. Her belly was hard and bloated looking and she seemed relieved after passing gas. So, do you think it could be the amoxycillin? We also changed from motrin to target generic brand. Could it be something in that? Should I stop giving her one or the other? Is there anything I can do to help her other than bicycling her legs? Do baby gas drops work on older babies?

Whew...that's a lot of questions! :) TIA!

12-16-2004, 03:18 PM
Interesting... DS was on amoxycillin for an ear infection last week and he was VERY gassy. We were laughing b/c several were like "adult" poots! I never even made the connection but now that you mention it it's a possibility!

12-16-2004, 04:27 PM
I don't know if it was gas, but Amoxicillan always made my DS sick when he was a baby. I always felt like it upset his stomach somehow. He would stop eating and just be lethargic until we were done with it. It always took care of the infection, but it made him feel yucky too.

Good luck finding a solution!

12-17-2004, 08:59 AM
I don't know about amoxicillin specifically, but our DD took an antibiotic called Biaxin for a while and had TERRIBLE gas. (And diarrhea, too. Ew.) So it makes sense that another antibiotic could have the same effect. Maybe your DD could use some yogurt or acidophilus (sp?) to help her out. Good luck!
