View Full Version : Morning Sickness suggestions needed

summertime babies
12-23-2004, 09:23 AM
I am 3-4 weeks pregnant with my second baby. With my first, I was never sick, maybe a little nauceous feeling, but that was it. Now, the past two nights have been horrible. I have a horrible feeling in my stomach, sweat like crazy and am terrified to vomit.

I've been a lurker for a while, but never found a need to post. You all seem to help each other out so much that I am hoping someone will have some suggestions for a newbie like me.

Thank you so much.

Summertime Babies

Tori_s mom
12-23-2004, 09:41 AM
Hugs to you! My morning sickness started early w/my dd, too. Try some crackers (I was fond of goldfish) by the bed. Also ginger ale or ginger tea might help. Just a little something in your stomach may help.

Most importantly, if you do begin vomiting, let your doc know if you can't keep down liquids. I had to go to the er twice with hyperemesis. :( On the bright side, my dd was worth every moment of icky tummy feelings.

Best of luck,

Tori (3/11/04)

12-23-2004, 10:12 AM
I found that candied ginger really helped. Actually anything with ginger in it like tea and ginger ale. I aslo added fresh ginger to a lot of food as I prepared it.



12-23-2004, 10:13 AM
My heart goes out to you! I'm still early with my first (9.5 weeks) and I swear there have been days I wished I would die. I keep saying that this is going to be my only bio child 'cause there is no way I'm doing this again! (My husband and I always planned to adopt internationally anyway.) Everyone assures me I will forget and it's worth it, but I started a diary, so I won't! :)

I did a lot of reading on morning sickness and here are all the suggestions I remember:
lots of ginger (be sure to read the labels on gingersnaps and ginger ale to be sure there is really ginger in it.)
sea bands
lemons (sucking on them or even just smelling them)
Propel water (made by gatorade, has lots of vitamins)
Mixing a sweet with a salty (like lemonade and potato chips)
Vitamin b6 (my midwife suggested 50 mg in the am and pm)
Preggie pops
try to pair a protein with a carb
if your prenatal is making you sick take half at a time with food or at night before you go to bed.
do a search on Google for "Morning sickness remedies" and you'll get a ton of info.

I tried just about everything and only one thing seemed to work for me. I need to eat EVERY two hours during the day. I always try to pair a protein with a carb and have to keep something in my tummy. I know it's hard to eat when you wanna throw up, but it usually kept me from throwing up. Not always, but usually. I also get up once in the middle of the night to eat. I mix myself a big container full of Carnation Instant Breakfast and then set the alarm for about 3 or 4 am. I chug it and hop back into bed. When I get up in the morn I have to eat right away. Eating very small meals all day is the only thing that has helped at all.

Good luck! And when your spirits get down, know you aren't alone. There's a good chance someone else is out there sprawled out on her bathroom floor, too.;-)

Let us know if you find something that works for you.


12-23-2004, 11:18 AM
Here are some previous threads on morning sickness.....
Congrats on your pregnancy!!! I hope you feel better soon.






12-23-2004, 11:41 AM
A couple things I haven't seen mentioned yet:

First, keep anything smelly away from you - for me, this meant no kiss for DH before he left for work, because first thing in the morning I couldn't take it.

Toast (I put sugar and butter on it), sweetened oatmeal, and strawberry NesQuick helped me, too - I think the quick zap of sugar and then the staying power of the carbs and protein. A spoonful of peanut butter was also a quick hit of protein.

And last, I highly recommend seabands. They were a godsend - my commute always set me off (in addition to stinky DH), and without the seabands I would've lost it on either the bus, boat, or train that I had to take every day, twice a day.

HTH, good luck, and congrats!!!

12-23-2004, 03:37 PM
I second the candied ginger idea. It really seemed to help settle my stomach. I had morning sickness for about 5 months of my pregnancy with DS.

I found my candied ginger at Trader Joes really cheap but Williams Sonoma carries it (not cheap) and so do most health food stores. Word of advice if you have a Trader Joes near you. One of the brands of Ginger tea they carry (Yogi Tea I think) uses pepper corns as one of it's flavorings in the tea. That made me feel even sicker than without the tea. Really gross. So if you're looking for ginger tea look at what they flavor it with.

Congrats and I hope you feel better real soon!


Mommy to Kieran, born 5/9/03
Aunt to Alexandra Juliet, born 12/4/04


dr mom
12-23-2004, 09:18 PM
There was a drug called Bendectin that was used for morning sickness many years ago, but was taken off the market. (Not because it was unsafe, but because the company was worried about lawsuits) Many OB/Gyns still recommend two of the ingredients that were in Bendectin, because they are considered safe in pregnancy and may be effective for morning sickenss: doxylamine (found in Unisom sleep aid, so yes it is sedating) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Both are rated Class A drugs, safe in pregnancy.

Propel fitness water, which a PP mentioned, was a lifesaver to me during my first trimester - a little sugar, and lots of B vitamins. I used it to wash down a couple of ginger snaps every morning before I got out of bed, and that seemed to help.

Hope you're feeling better soon, morning sickness is no fun!