View Full Version : Who's watching Six Feet Under this season?

06-08-2005, 08:57 PM
I caught the new episode on Monday night - finally, something to look forward to on TV!!

Who's watching & whatcha ya thinking?

06-08-2005, 09:21 PM
I absolutely ADORE this show. It is definitely one of the best on tv. I love how the characters are so real.

I loved how they really returned to their roots. The beginning of the show, when Brenda was watching Nate and Lisa's wedding video was brilliant. They really made you believe you were watching Nate and Brenda until Lisa's wacky sister in the potato sack dress starts nagging David for the rings. And what a pleasant reminder that Lisa was a little...nutty? All moments of her life were leading to that day...HA! And seeing her argue with Hoyt. I still don't buy that storyline. It was very un-Lisa. I know they tried to get us to believe that maybe there was more to her than Nate really knew (Dr. Pepper can) but Hoyt? Weird.

Claire and Billy. Um. CRAZY! And now she is paranoid that he is going to harm her. Uh, yeah. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Speaking of crazy, poor Ruth. She really knows how to pick them, huh? I feel terrible for George and for Ruth. I don't think she anticipated spending her golden years caring for someone in George's state. I anticipate his daughter coming back into the picture.

Vanessa and Rico need to get back together. They are both dopes. What does she know? Things didn't work out with Kenny Sims. Ok. But who makes her the authority on whether or not Rico needs to be with someone. Hello??

David and Keith are so cute. I love them. And now they are going to have a child. They are the most stable of all of them. I love Keith's political comments. He cracks me up.

I felt bad for Brenda especially when she said that she couldn't even have her wedding without her dead baby bleeding out of her. It was so Brenda and as always with Brenda, so sad. I found the showdown with Lisa to be so interesting. Brenda and Nate are both screwy, on the same wavelength. Lisa and Nate were a weird combo. I think by the time she died, Nate did love Lisa. But he and Brenda have this kind of weird forever connection that he and Lisa never had.

Can you tell I am obsessed with this show? I love it and I am so sad that it is ending. Damn HBO for taking my shows away-SATC, Carnivale and now this! UGH!

06-08-2005, 09:29 PM
Wow u do love it, we ordered HBO the other day just so we can watch it again !

06-08-2005, 09:41 PM
I love this show--one of only a couple shows I faithfully watch and look forward to.

That said, I thought this first episode was badly written; most of the dialogue was hollow and disjointed. Storylines were fine, some great editing, etc., but just weak writing. I really hope it gets back to speed next week.

06-08-2005, 09:52 PM
I saw it on my TiVO yesterday and I was sooo excited that it was back, finally! I had just been kevetching to my husband that I hoped HBO wasn't axing the show (yet). I think the move to Monday nights is a bit odd, but whatever.

I also agree w/ Melissa that the storyline about Lisa and Hoyt isn't v. believable, but I am willing to see where it goes.

My only other thought is... Peter Krause? HOT! He gets cuter every season.

06-08-2005, 10:08 PM
Hmmmm, so Caroline - who's your son named after?? :)

Peter Krause is a definite hottie!!

06-08-2005, 11:01 PM
I missed the first episode (but never mind knowing what happens/spoilers) but I really do like the show. It is so great. I watch it at my moms apartment when I can.

I never liked Lisa. I think it is becuase I live in Seattle and just know too many women like that....the writers hit a lot of stereotypes on the head with her, not just the granola thing (which I am) but the Seattle malaise/snobbyness/control issues/clingyness. Soooo annoying and I totally bought the BIL affair thing. In my experience super jealous types like that usually have their own things going on....all goes with low self-esteem. And as a once self professed health nut with a secret taste for coke and corn dogs I totally understood the Dr. Pepper thing! Now I eat very well but don't hide my odd cravings- if I want a cheeseburger, I will eat a cheeseburger and I won't hide it from anyone. Maybe I don't like Lisa becuase I feel like she hits too close to home....um, no...I was never jealous and manic like that!

I will have to watch this episode when it comes on again/replays. Sooo happy Brenda and Nate end up together. The whole Lisa thing was very much her trapping him in my opinion and his stupid choice to cheat on Brenda.

I agree, now that David has stood up to Keith a bit, they are the most stable folks on the show.

ellies mom
06-09-2005, 12:57 AM
I've watched this show religously but by the end of last season it was just so darn depressing. Nothing good ever happens to these people. I found this episode by accident. I recorded on the DVR so I can watch it again. I'm hoping to get back to enjoying it.

My other favorite which actually replaced "Six Feet Under" as my only must watch show was "Dead Like Me". I love that show. I heard they weren't doing anymore but they are showing all the old shows, and the web site doesn't say it is ended.

06-09-2005, 04:51 AM
Ah Melissa,
It's good to know that I'm not the only one obsessed with a very dark show :P

06-09-2005, 05:45 AM
I missed the first episode but love the show...after all, my kids are named Nate and Claire (dooming them for dysfunction?)

06-09-2005, 08:01 AM
All you need is a David! ;)

Another fan here - we've been hooked since the first episode. I'm glad it's back, but not happy this is the last season. Some episodes last season didn't wow me, but I really enjoyed Monday's show.

Melissa, mom to Sarah (5/03)

06-09-2005, 09:46 AM
Huge fan here and did not realize it had started again, does it play again this week?


#1 Nick 11-18-04

06-09-2005, 10:55 AM
We had to cancel HBO to save some money and it just makes me CRY that I am missing the show.

I don't know about Caroline... but the show did have a bit of influence over our name choices. We always laugh that it is good we aren't having any more kids, because neither of us really love the name David. Ruth, though, I like the name Ruth... :7

06-09-2005, 10:56 AM
So glad to see that I am not the only one!!