View Full Version : OMG: Does anyone watch Six Feet Under?

07-24-2005, 09:11 PM

Was that the last episode? Such a cliffhanger!!

07-24-2005, 10:13 PM
4 more episodes. August 21st is the last one...of the series. :( So, I think it could be true that Nate is dead. Or, as a twist of fate, since he was so freaked about having a handicapped child, he could become the one who is handicapped. Who will be legally responsible for Maya? Brenda did not adopt her. Oh the places this can go if they would do another season!

My jaw dropped when his arm went numb. Remember though, he had that aneurism, so maybe this is part of that?

07-24-2005, 10:25 PM
ahhh! this is too much. OK, I didn't think the season would be over so soon but they didn't show scenes from the next show, so I was confused.

DH and I were wondering if this was related to his brain problems. At first we thought it was another one of his weird dreams...but it doesn't look that way. Your handicapped theory is really good - that would be so intense. I read a spoiler on E! that a recurring character died, but then they said it was Ruth's sister's friend (can't remember her name) from an episode or so ago. I hope it's not nate, but it wouldn't surprise me because this show is so unconventional. PLUS...remember how Nate was talking about his death and burial in this episode? Forshadowing????? Alan Ball is all about the symbolism.

It broke my heart to see brenda sitting in church alone. I love this show and am so sad it is over soon.

07-24-2005, 10:26 PM
I didn't know what you were talking about, since I TiVOed it and just finished it. Creeeepy!

07-25-2005, 05:58 AM
I'm still shaking my head.

07-25-2005, 07:40 AM
I think they didn't show previews like they usually do b/c they want you to not know if Nate is really dead or not. Good theory about the Nate being handicapped. That would be ironic. If nothing else he is going to get busted for being at Maggie's since Brenda will question where he was at and the ambulance has to go to Maggie's house. I am going to miss this show so much!

07-25-2005, 07:44 AM
I could not believe Nate. UGH. He is so predictable. Who else saw the Nate and Maggie thing like a mile away? Anyway, I think his collapse is definitely related to his AVM. Do you remember the episode back in season 2? where he and Brenda were having sex and he had a seizure. Totally reminded me of that. I can't believe that Ruth was back with the hair dresser. Wow, this is making the show like a bad soap opera...lol...I love this show!

07-25-2005, 07:47 AM
This IS the final season, isn't it?


#1 Nick 11-18-04

07-25-2005, 08:33 AM
Yup. We Tifauxed it last night and I *know* I shouldn't have opened this thread, but I just couldn't resist. ;) Now I can't wait to watch it tonight!

We're really going to miss this show.

Melissa, mom to Sarah (5/03)

08-07-2005, 03:49 AM
So I finally get a chance to watch up through the most recent episode. I am so freaking mad at Nate...well as mad as I could be over fiction. I can't even call it a drama series anymore....it is a soap opera. I sound like a lunatic relating it to my husband (who sagely stopped watching after David was kidnapped a few years ago). Now I just have to decide if it was the kidnapping, Lisa's murder or this that is the most over the top. I think it has jumped the shark! But yet I can't stop watching! Aggghhhh

08-07-2005, 07:07 AM
sorry to say folks - Nate is definitely dead as I read an article with Alan Ball who said he did nto want to open the show with a major death (the father) and then end the series with one a well so he chose to "knock" Nate off a few eps. prior to the series finale.

I have to say I was SHOCKED as I kept thinking the whole time that Nte was still in a coma and that the episode was jut in his mind. I also think that David and Keith will get Maya.....

08-07-2005, 11:36 AM
I think since Brenda is married to Nate that she or Lisa's sister will get Maya. I can't imagine that Brenda would not want her. Nate was such a jerk.