View Full Version : Starting BC pill - is this normal?

08-23-2005, 06:28 PM
I just started the pill again Sunday and I've apparently had just a 2 day AF this month, which has never happened before. Years ago I used to have a 5 day AF on the pill. I'm not too concerned since I figure all the hormones have my body out of whack.

Anyway, thought I'd ask you ladies anyway. Normal?

08-23-2005, 08:03 PM
Not sure if it's normal, but my experience on the pill was to have 12 hour periods. Yup. 12 hours, no cramping and very, very light flow. I was on one of the lowest doses too, Loestrin, I think it was called. Every doctor I saw (went to a huge practice while in college) said it was totally normal and to enjoy it.


08-23-2005, 08:14 PM
Ugh, I was so screwed up at first after I started the pill. At first I had very short AFs (I think my body was in shock from the hormones) and they were erratic. Now they are about 5 days, and pretty light. It has been 3 years that I have been on the pill, though, and I was starting it for the first time, not going back on it after a break.

My guess would be that it is normal. Everyone I know who has gone on the pill has had some AF wonkiness at first.


08-23-2005, 08:59 PM
Short, light periods are very common on the pill. THe progestin keeps your body from growing as much uterine lining as usual, so there isn't as much to slough off each month. Also, the length and amount of flow may vary month to month. Hope that helps, Jenn