View Full Version : Am I nesting?

12-05-2005, 01:59 PM
So, I'm normally not a home-maker type person at all. Hubby mostly does the dishes and laundry. I cook, but very little lately. A cleaning lady cleans our house. Setting up the baby's room has been an effort to say the least. Mostly an effort driven by hubby.

I was working until last Wednesday. Last Thursday, we had all sorts of repair stuff done on the house (since it was my first day home and the builder wanted to schedule everything together). Last Friday, we had a baby CPR class at lunchtime. So, last week didn't feel like rest. Today, I woke up as hubby was leaving for work.

I proceeded to do the laundry (took me forever to get the full basket down the stairs). Then, I cleaned the fridge. Found a bunch of yogurt that's expiring tomorrow, so I baked 24 peanut butter/banana/yogurt muffins. Just so you know, I DON'T BAKE. And if I do, it's out of a box. I am taking a bit of rest, going through coupons and then heading to the supermarket for food shopping.

I am either well rested from not going to work now, or I am nesting. Which one is it? And... if I am nesting, how long before the baby actually comes do people start nesting? I thought it was only a few days.... could be wrong though.

12-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Sounds like nesting to me! LOL. With Madeline I woke up at 2 am and HAD to clean out our pantry because it was a disorganized mess and I just couldn't being my baby home to that. I then spent days cleaning and tidying the house. That was at 35 weeks and people kept saying she would be early but that child was never going to come out on her own. I had her at 37 weeks via an emergency c-section due to complications but there is no doubt that she would have gone to term.

12-05-2005, 02:49 PM
Either nesting, or the household stuff is exotic to you and a relaxing new distraction. That was me: I stopped working on my due date (baby did not come until 10 days after his due date) and I was housekeeper extraordinare for those days :) It was just interesting to me to have 9 hours a day to myself. Read a whole book (not one I should have read while preggo, but anyway).
I really enjoyed it too, except that i hated baby being on his own schedule (rather than mine) and people asking if baby was there yet, etc...

12-05-2005, 05:48 PM
I nested for several few weeks and then it ended a couple of weeks before my kids were born. I would say if you were baking then you were nesting!

12-05-2005, 08:43 PM
Well, I definitely overdid it. After all that I did earlier, I went to the bank (stood in a huge line) and then went food shopping. By the time I was standing in line for checkout, the baby was resting on a nerve and my left leg had completely given out. I hobbled to the car while one of the boys from the supermarket loaded up my car, then hubby had to walk me from the car to bed and unload the car/put away groceries.

I was in bed for 1.5 hours, and with great effort was finally able to get up. The cats and dogs loved the cuddle time in bed though.

OK, tomorrow, I am taking it easy. No use disabling myself like that.