View Full Version : Making up a "chore chart"

03-14-2006, 11:44 AM
I'm interested in making up a "chore chart" of sorts for my pre-school age daughter. Other than pick up toys, make up bed, and brush teeth, what other things should I put on the chart?

Also - I've never been a huge fan of the word "chore" - any ideas for another name besides "chore chart?"

Thanks for the help!

03-14-2006, 12:02 PM
Let's see, DS likes to help with:

feeding the dogs
letting the dogs in/out the back door
sweeping/using the dustpan
putting his dirty clothes in basket
putting his shoes in closet
setting the table (I know, but he loves it!)
preparing meals (I usually try to work in something that he can help with.)

If she takes vitamins, you could add that.

I also don't like or use the word "chore". Maybe a Helping Chart?

03-14-2006, 02:44 PM
We have on ours:

Making up bed (my dd is 4 so she does a decent job)
Brushing teeth
Washing up (face)
Getting dressed (I put out her clothes the night before)
Spending time with a book
Using nice manners
Eating something healthy
Picking up her room and playroom

She has been great about doing things without being asked since we started this!


03-14-2006, 06:13 PM
We have this one from Melissa & Doug, but it's called a responsibility chart.


You can't really see the "chores" listed, but some of them include help Mom, help Dad, share, clear the table, say "please and thank you," clean room, get dressed, use the potty, no hitting, share, etc.

