View Full Version : Question for an optometrist or familiar w/ iZon lenses

04-21-2006, 08:18 PM
My DH went to the optometrist today and they were promoting a new hi-tech lenses which are custom made to correct imperfections in your eyes. He recommended a "iZon" brand lenses. The optometrist has this device that supposedly maps out imperfections in your cornea and then these lenses are made to compensate for these imperfections. So if you had an "aberration" in the upper right part of your left cornea, then the upper right part of the left lense would compensate for it (and have different properties than the rest of the lense). Does that make sense?

They're very pricey and so we're not wiling to shell out the cash for this until we've done our research. Is anyone is familiar w/ these type of lenses and are they truly worth it?

(formerly known as jeanmick, member since Feb 2003)

DD Born Christmas Eve
DS Born Valentine's Day

04-22-2006, 04:57 PM
I'm not familiar with them, but found that this site has a lot of information: http://vision.about.com/od/contactlenseseyeglasses/a/izon.htm

I'm seeing my Opthalmologist next week, and I think I'll ask her about them. I have a lot of scar tissue on my eyes, as well as an astigmatism, so maybe these would be good for me.
