View Full Version : Toddler Swearing

05-25-2006, 03:15 PM
My Ds who is a very good kids has unfortunately picked up a bad habit where he says F _ _ _ _ it! Mostly he says it to the dog. A Child Dev expert told me to just ignore it. I tried for a while and it did stop but then it started up again. I tried giving him his first time outs for saying a bad word but then I read somewhere else that for swearing you should ignore it. I'm trying but it is driving me crazy. He is saying it with a laugh and usually says a few in repetition. Yesterday he said it while we were out to lunch with my Mom for lunch. I don't think she knew what he was trying to say and I tried covering saying that he was saying forklift. He speaks pretty clearly with most words and continues to speak clearer and clearer. I'm so embarassed that he is doing this. I was wondering if others experienced this and how they rectified it. I understand that ignoring it is so the child doesn't get any attention from saying it but I'm wondering how long it will take until he stops.


05-25-2006, 04:43 PM
I have no answer to your question, but am feeling your pain. DS say "Oh S_ _ t!". It is making me crazy, especially because I know he got it from me AND he uses it at the right time. At first I corrected him by with "Oh Shoot", and that seemed to work for a while but now he is back saying it. I try to ignore it also, however, DS has been speaking clearly for quite some time so everyone understands him. I hope it ends soon because it is really making me crazy!!

05-25-2006, 04:56 PM
Dd has cursed on 2 or 3 occasions (totally imitating me, which is a reality check) and I just said that it was impolite to say that word, and that other people don't want to hear it. I wasn't harsh or punishing at all, just matter-of-fact. She understood that, and I haven't heard her curse since. She often asks me if something is polite to say, and, thankfully, usually the answer is yes. And I also don't curse in front of her anymore!

05-25-2006, 05:07 PM
When DD picks up words like that, we calmly provide a replacement phrase -- no ignoring it but also no big reaction, very low-key. Or we get into a game of thinking of how many substitutes we can think of (keeps the adults from fixating on the bad word). Then we work on fixing our own vocabulary... This works, or at least now she only says bad words when she's *really* upset with something (just like Mama, blush).