View Full Version : UPDATE--3rd post today***Need Home remedies for....

05-30-2006, 09:47 AM
<my DS is having trouble with his bowel movements. He is actually having 1-2 bowel movements per day now but w/ each one he literally screams in pain and there has been blood around the stool (but not in it).
I am turning to you guys yet again for help my pediatrician is worthless he is a military doctor (not saying they are all bad) but he has been no help whatsoever and I have no one else to turn too...>

ETA more info :)

My DS is on formula now. I weaned him from BM about 2 1/2 weeks ago.
The formula he is on is Enfamil Lipil and we did try Enfamil Lipil AR for a little bit because he suffers from acid reflux...
<hope this helps you help me and my DS> :)

UPDATE-- So my DH has been having good bowel movements now, no crying and at least one a day. We took him off the Lipil AR except 1 a day. And we gave him a little less than 1 oz of water and this seemed to help.

To address some responses...the blood was around the stool not in it so I wasnt concerned about the blood I knew it must have been minor tearing. When the poop was really hard (like a pebble) i knew that was what was causing the screams. I just really needed advice on how to soften the stool, and what the possible causes could have been.....

Thanks so much for the advice, if this happens in the future I will try a lil bit of prune juice or the chamomile tea!


05-30-2006, 10:00 AM
What is your ds drinking? Breast milk? Formula? A baby this age shouldn't be constipated. He may be allergic or sensitive to something in what he's drinking. Post more info., and we'll try to help!

05-30-2006, 10:58 AM
First off, did this painful bowel movement start with hard stool?

Ask Dr Sears has some good general information on constipation:


I agree with PP that a baby this young shouldn't normally be having painful bowel movements so there may be a food allergy or intolerance issue involved. If baby is EBF, it could be something in your diet, or if you're using formula it could be in the formula (dairy is the usual suspect). If you've introduced solids, the range of possibilities widens.

The blood around but not in the stool may be from a rectal or anal fissure -- you may see basically a cut where the skin has split, or it may be a little bit inside. Keeping it clean is important -- pouring water over it or dunking baby in a quick bath may be less painful than wiping. IME they clear up on their own in a day or so.

I think I remember another mama recommending putting a little vaseline or aquaphor on the anus to help ease things out.

Good luck and hope this helps,

05-30-2006, 11:35 AM
My DS had this problem and he had lactose intolerance and an allergy to milk protein. We ended up switching him to soy formula (per the pediatrician's suggestion) and he was fine within 2 days.

05-30-2006, 12:45 PM
DD has had this problem but she was younger. She was constipated though. I discovered that the blood was coming from tiny tears in the skin near her rectum. I put aquaphor on the damaged skin and gave her some white grape juice to help with the constipation. She was on soy formula and was therefore always constipated. let us know how he's doing...

05-30-2006, 02:03 PM
At one month old I would be very cautious about doing anything beyond a bit of vaseline/aquaphor and using cool soft cloths or a quick bath to ease the discomfort.

I'm sorry you don't like your doctor but am concerned at the level of discomfort you're describing in a child so young. Perhaps you could call agan and speak with the nurse or see a different pediatrician on call?

I personally am shy and have trouble speaking up for myself but have learned to speak up for my DD. It's hard but you *can* do it. Good luck.


05-30-2006, 02:29 PM
Weak chammomile tea is safe to give, either straight or mixed with whatever else he might be taking from the bottle. Prun juice is as well. However, if this becomes an ongoing problem, I would look into food sensitivities.

Sorry he's so miserable. :(


06-01-2006, 02:37 AM
I would try and get a referral to a good pediatrician and pay out of pocket if there is any way you can afford it. I wouldn't necessarily try home remedies on such a young baby. If my baby was screaming in pain with a BM and there was blood, I would probably be in the emergency room and be a very demanding mom. I hope your son is okay.

06-01-2006, 05:49 AM
I would LOVE to see another pediatrician no matter the cost, but Im currently living in Italy while my DH is stationed here.

Thanks so much for the well wishes.
