View Full Version : Happy Birthday Flag - Help!

05-30-2006, 10:53 AM
I need some help or suggestion from some of you crafy mommies. I bought this "Happy Birthday" flag that has "Happy Birthday" embriodered on both sides. One side has valcro with numbers included with "Years Old" embrodered underneath. I have two kids with birthdays two days apart. I initiall thought I would just have both of their names embrodered. But, the backing of the embrodered names would show on the other side. Then, DH thought it would be more versatile if we just do valcro on the other side and jsut do their names in embrodery and just valcro their names separately for their b-days. Well, I can't find any red valco strips. I have attached a link for the flag. Any help from you ladies will be greatly appreciated!!!

It's the one with Happy Birthday on the upper left corner with #6 on the lower bottom corner....sixth one on the right.


05-30-2006, 01:56 PM
You can buy colored velcro, it's just not made by that brand. You need to buy touch tape or aplix. http://www.diapershop.com/index.php/action/item/id/142/prevaction/category/previd/18/prevstart/0/

Then you should be able to do it the way your dh suggested. Good luck!