View Full Version : Birth Control from a 3 Year old's point of view...

06-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Today has been a totally crazy day. It seems like everyone needed to be fed and cleaned up after non stop (including the cat) which isn't easy when you are suppose to be on bed rest. Once things finally settled down and I had Tyler down for a nap Jackson climbed up in my lap and grabbed my face and said "We don't need any more babies." He then went on to tell me that "Baby Jaci is all we need and mommy needs to get fixed. Daddy no have sectomy!" (vasectomy)

I guess you can tell what the topic of conversation has been like around our house lately. :) I guess the men have to stick together.

It is amazing what they pick up on!

Mommy to Jackson 11-10-02
Tyler William 6-9-05
OMG!!! It's a GIRL!! Due September 5, 2006!




06-05-2006, 01:55 PM
Out of the mouths of babes :P

Interestingly enough, that's been a topic of conversation at our house these days, too, with a twist...

DS is affectionately known as "Radar." I imagine it's only downhill from here ;)

06-05-2006, 01:56 PM
LOL!! Thanks for the laugh!


06-05-2006, 01:58 PM
I sure hope you are laughing about this, so that I won't feel like a total dork for doing so myself. You did tell Jackson he was a bit late in informing you no more babies necessary, didn't you? Children are just so amazing. :-)

06-05-2006, 02:02 PM
Too funny!! How is bedrest going? Are you feeling good??