View Full Version : Good cold remdies for bf mama?

06-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Well, Dora had a slight cold last week, and is still a little snotty/congested, but otherwise her normal self. Unfortunately she gave it to me, and the sinus drip is making me cough uncontrollably. The ped. said I could take anything as long as it doesn't have asprin in it, but I've heard that some cold remedies can make a baby sleepless, so I'm concerned about taking it myself and passing it to her through bm. Dh suggested ecchinacea, but if I'm not going to take OTC remedies, I'm even more leery of herbal stuff I know nothing about. At the moment I'm taking nothing.

Is there anything out there that is helpful for a cough that won't affect dd?

06-08-2006, 01:39 PM
I know you said you're leery of echinacea, but according to kellymom.com it is considered safe. She also has lots of other herbs/medications listed. If you want to go the fully non-medicated route, saline drops/spray worked great for me. Hope you're feeling better soon!


06-08-2006, 02:23 PM
Thanks! I'll take a look.