View Full Version : Outlook: sending to entire address book?

07-01-2006, 02:06 PM
Is there an easy way to do this? We have a new email address and I need to let my whole address book know. That's a buncha addresses. Any shortcuts?

Mama to Abigail Rose
Nursed for three years!

and Ethan James

"When you know better, you do better."
Maya Angelou

07-01-2006, 02:28 PM
Open the new email. Click on the "To" box. An address book popup should appear. Select all the emails (select the top one, hold SHIFT and hit END).

You got to be careful though, because sometimes fax numbers are listed there for some annoying reason. If you have that, you can either delete them individually (after selecing all, hit CTRL and remove faxes from selection) or select only emails using CTRL vs. the shift thing shown above.


07-01-2006, 02:42 PM

1. Open up your address book
2. Select File/New Entry
3. Highlight "New Distribution List"
4. Click OK
5. Click on "Select Members"
6. The "Select Members" box will pop up.
7. Highlight the entire list by clicking the top name, scroll down to the bottom of the list, selecting all names by clicking and dragging.
8. Click "members" button near bottom of window
9. Click OK
10. Where it says "NAME", type in a name for the list you just created
11. Click "Save and Close" near top left of screen
12. Close address book.
13. Click "New" near top left of screen
14. Click "TO": It will pop up address book
15. Select the distribution list you just created and named.
16. Click OK
Your email will go to everyone on that list!

HTH! :)

ETA: while I was typing up my thesis on distribution lists, you got a more straightforward answer ;). Still, the knowledge of how to create (and edit) distribution lists might come in handy in the future, and once you've saved the list it's always there for you.

07-01-2006, 05:16 PM
Might I suggest that you BCC everyone, instead of putting the addreses in the TO box, this will prevent everyone you send the email to from having access to everyone else's address. I know, in mass emails, where I don't know all the recipients I prefer my address to be private.