View Full Version : Maybe I should read her the baby book....

07-19-2006, 06:15 AM
Because clearly she hasn't read one that says what she should be doing at one month. I should have seen this coming, because for the past week (I co-sleep) I wake up to her on her side, with her belly pressed against mine, pounding me with her little fists, and desperately rooting like a pig trying to get under my shirt. (Screaming comes right after.)

Yesterday, one month old exactly, I put her down on the couch by me asleep after nursing. Next thing you know she starts waking up and flailing her arms and legs. She realizes she's not in my lap any more and starts turning her head to the side with that "where's my nipple" look on her face. She starts getting frustrated and starts working one side of her body, swinging it over to the opposite side. I think, if she keeps this up, she will be turning over before 3 months. Then, as I watch in horror, she rolls over on her belly. And she didn't have a suprised look in her face, like, "How did I get here?" She had that pissed off, "Where's my breast?" look.

If it was my first I would think, "How cute, my baby is ahead of the curve." With my second I think, "No, No, NO! You are supposed to stay in one place for months." I should have known this was going to happen when every professional person in the delivery room had to remark on how loud and long she cried after she was born and they took her away from me to do the first exam. It wasn't like a stressed out, where's my mommy cry. It was a, heh, why did you take me away from mommy, put me back now cry. Of course maybe it's the name. Soon as we told a friend of mine the name he observed her first name and second initial was Eve L. He wanted to know if we were going to call her Evil for short.

Updated: She just did it again! ARRGHH!!!!

Mom to Harvey
& Eve 6/18/06

07-19-2006, 07:36 AM
Jeanne, my DS rolled at 1 1/2 weeks. I can completely relate to the horrified look and what do we do now. I have to say that after that he didn't roll much though, until months later. Perhaps it will be the same with Eve.
About the baby book(s), throw them away. Honestly, the best thing I could have done :-).

DS 12/18/04

07-19-2006, 09:13 AM
You gave her a strong woman's name, and it looks like you have a strong little woman!

Good luck!!

Mom to Truman 11/01 and Eleanor 4/04

07-19-2006, 09:33 AM
>Of course maybe it's the name. Soon as we
>told a friend of mine the name he observed her first name an
>second initial was Eve L. He wanted to know if we were going
>to call her Evil for short.

I'm sorry, Jeanne, but that had me cracking up! On certain days, I bet you will come to realize that you did that on purpose :).

ellies mom
07-19-2006, 10:24 AM
I tried reading DD the books while I was pregnant. "Sweetie, it says right here that I'm not supposed to have to pee every five minutes during the second trimester." It didn't work. It didn't work as a newborn either. They just don't care. Sorry. I know that feeling though about appreciating a non-mobile child. Cherish it, is my mantra.

07-19-2006, 10:24 AM
DS rolled over onto his stomach the day we brought him home from the hospital. He did this for a while but didn't start rolling with purpose until @6 months. He's 9mths now and not even crawling. We're actually going to a PT assesment Friday. BTW he pushed away from the doctor at 4 days old and she had a very shocked expression on her face and said he shouldn't be able to do that. You may still have plenty of time.

I feel your pain. Around a month DS son was sleeping on my tummy and then started moving. About a minute later I had extreme pain when he latched on in a very bad position (He was still straight up and down).

Good luck,

07-19-2006, 12:58 PM
FWIW, sam rolled over at 4 days. i was actually in the kitchen washing pump parts the first time it happened. my DH and MIL were in the living room with DS on a blanket and i hear "he just rolled over" coming from my MIL. me (the PT) is thinking, yeah right, there is no way a 4 day old infant just rolled over. so i go into the living room, expecting to see her 'helping' in some way, and no, there is my newborn rolling back to front independently about 4x in a row. i didn't do anything to encourage or discourage it (other than swaddling for sleep which he seemed most content with) and he stopped rolling about 2 weeks later and didn't return to it until around 4-5 months. other 'oddities' in his early motor development - he was born with 'good' head control, he never lost his stepping reflex and did everything he could to be 'standing' up from about 2 weeks on. his favorite position in the sling, even as an infant was upright (did not seem to be related to any GI/reflux like complaints).

anyway, he 'sat' on the early end of normal, 'crawled' on the late end of normal and pulled to stand for the first time on the same night he started crawling. he 'walked' right in the middle of the range (4 days after his first bday).

i totally remember having the same thoughts you're describing - "oh no, if he's rolling at 4 days old, i'm gonna have a nightmare on my hands by 6 months"... but for sam, that just wasn't the pattern he followed. like i said above, i am very 'hands off' with his motor development. i don't really do anything to encourage or discourage whatever the next milestone is - just let them come in their own time, in whatever way works for him. it's like with the growth charts... somebody's baby has to be at the very bottom and the very top of the range or there wouldn't be a range of 'normal' to begin with.

anyway, all hope's not lost :)... she may revert to a stay-where-you-put-her newborn yet!
Sam 5/19/05 How lucky I am that you chose me.

07-19-2006, 01:34 PM
I'm glad to read this thread and know I'm not the only one whose baby rolled over extremely early! (It's something I've been reluctant to talk about, because I don't like to be seen as bragging.)

And Jeanne, you may be relieved to know that Ishy, like several of the previous posters' children, rolled over a few times at less than a month, then waited a few months to get around to doing it any more.