View Full Version : How do you know the difference between waking up for teething or just waking up?

08-14-2006, 07:44 AM
My DD is teething (her first tooth). I can't determine if she is waking up at night b/c of pain or b/c ever since we came back from the beach 1 month ago, her night sleep has been off. Plus, the last two nights she stayed up about and hour later and crashed at bedtime (not good, I know).

To me, if she were in pain, when DH or I would go to her in the night she would continue crying. BUT as soon as she sees us, she calms down. And if we pick her up, she falls to sleep on our shoulder. It has always been her thing to fall asleep on us but as soon as wee put her in the crib she wakes up.

So, any BTDT advice? I've given tylenol before bed a few times but she has still woken up (of course the tylenol could have worn off).

It just seems to me she has to be "retrained" as we did use ferber's method before with some good results.


08-14-2006, 08:55 AM
no way to know for sure i guess, but my DD did the same thing when teething. i guess it bothered her enough to wake up but not enough to scream about once Mommy was holding her. I would give a dose of tylenol when she wakes and see if that helps...but that's just me! I hope your sweet little girl feels better soon!

08-14-2006, 10:11 AM
For us, DD would scream even after we went to her so I was sure she was in pain.

I'm with Meg, though. If you think she's in pain, I'd give a dose of something(Motrin lasts longer) to help her sleep. I did it many times with DD.


08-14-2006, 01:16 PM
We've just gone through this with DS. He's working on his canines, which can be very painful. I do think he initially woke up because of the pain, but now a week later with DS waking every 45 mins, I think he wants us to be there with him. But after 2 nights with DH or I sleeping in the chair in his room, and getting NO sleep, we can't do it anymore. Last night we gave him some medicine before bed and when we woke up we waited before going in. Twice he went back to sleep within minutes. At around 4am, which is when the motrin would have worn off, he wouldn't go back to sleep. I went in and gave him more medicine, but I didn't pick him up. I told him it was time to go back to sleep and I left. He didn't like it, but again within minutes he was quiet and slept until 7am. So, we're trying to get him back to his 7-7 sleep pattern.

Other advice from a sleep doctor a friend saw, was to set your alarm for 30 mins before the medicine will wear off, and go in and give it to them while they're asleep. That way, it will kick in before the first dose wears off. When I've done this, I've made the 2nd dose less than what he normally gets as I'm giving it to him 30 mins earlier. You still have to get out of bed, but it can stop them from getting into the habit of waking.

HTH and one day they will have all their teeth and then we'll know night waking isn't teeting related!


08-14-2006, 01:25 PM
For us, DD screams no matter what we do, and doesn't want to nurse - ugh teething is no fun. GL!

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