View Full Version : So I take my kid's diaper off and turn my back for 2 seconds...

08-16-2006, 10:14 AM
And he takes a dump on our Persian rug. It's more like diahhrea than regular poo.

How do I clean this up?

08-16-2006, 10:47 AM
Scrape off as much as you can with a piece of flat cardboard (like a side of a cereal box). If you have a steam cleaner, you can use suction first, then move to water, then detergent water, then water again. Don't rub the stain into the carpet....always blot if using paper towels. Cool water can then be sprayed to help get more stain up. If your persian rug is silk, you might scope the internet or call a dry cleaner for tips, but get a germicidal and dilute in water and keep spraying and blotting away. Basic G is great for this if it won't take out the color. Depending on what's under the carpet, you might want to put down some towels to protect wood or carpet from the enzymes/acid in the poop. I love Spot Shot for all sorts of stain removal, but depending on whether the material is wool, cotton, or silk, you might have to do a test on an inconspicuous area or it'll take the color out. If the persian is a Qom, Nain, Tabriz (Iranian/Persian), you should probably take it to a professional or call a professional upholstery cleaner (not a carpet cleaner). They will know how to work w/ special and delicate fabrics and threads.

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure." Rom 5:3

Proud Aunt to Jack Dorian, b. 3/06

08-16-2006, 11:53 AM
Oh, crap. Definitely go with the flat scrape up, paper plate, cereal box deal. If it's inexpensive persian-TYPE, then get it wet, BLOT it up (no rubbing), then Resolve or OxyClean-Carpet it, then steam clean. If it's real live Persian, then I'd be careful before you use commercial product on it, like OxyClean.

08-16-2006, 02:55 PM
I've dealt with this with out dogs. For some reason, they prefer the soft persian rugs to the bare wood which is INCHES to the side. Sigh. Most of the time,it's been solid so it's easier to clean up, but if it's not, scrape up as much as you can, mild soap in water and blot with clean white towel or paper towel until the towel isn't stained. I put some towel underneath to soak up any water that goes through. If it was a runny mess, then I get it professionally cleaned as I've found that it still smells even if no more poopy residue is on the cleaning towel. I have used some of the pet enzyme cleaners successfully, but test a spot first. Our rugs are hand-made bought in India on trips DH and I made, and they've been fine with the above cleaning methods.

Hope you get it cleaned up.
