View Full Version : Placenta Previa in early pregnancy?

08-16-2006, 08:58 PM
So my dr. called a few hours ago and said that the u/s I had yesterday showed placenta previa. The u/s tech called it a low lying placenta and from the looks of what she showed us, just an edge of the placenta was covering the cervix. I'm 13 weeks. I was told no sex, heavy lifting and to "take it easy". Of course now I'm worried. I haven't had any spotting and now I'm worried about that.

Anyone have some words of wisdom or encouragement? I would really appreciate it!

08-16-2006, 09:01 PM
My sister had placenta previa early in her second pregnancy. They discovered it about 12 weeks due to a small bleed. Her placenta eventually moved up the wall of her uterus and she was able to deliver vaginally at 39wks. I think she had a u/s every visit to check the position.

08-16-2006, 09:09 PM
Oh Lisa, No words of wisdom...just want to wish you well. I went yesterday and it took a good 5 minutes to find the heartbeat. Nothing like stressing a mama out.
I have had a few friends who had previa as far as 28 weeks and they all resolved on there own, with vaginal births to follow.
I am thinking of you....keep us posted!

08-16-2006, 10:02 PM
Here is the short of my long horror story: I had a complete previa diagnosed at about 11w because I had a bit of bleeding. I was put on complete bedrest for about 8 weeks (because of the bleeding), and given a 70% that it would correct itself. It was really hard, but in the end IT MOOOOOOVED!!!!! I was so excited.

The info on the internet is great if you avoid the horror stories. Yes, previas can be very dangerous, but the vast majority are uncomplicated and resolve themselves. You have an excellent chance of it moving because you are so early and because it is just covering it by a bit. Don't worry too much - you'll be fine! But do take it easy :)

08-17-2006, 07:16 AM
If it us just the edge at 13 weeks, there is something like a 98% chance it will not be there by delivery. Think of your uterus like a balloon. If you have a balloon with a tiny bit of air and you mark a spot near the neck and then blow it up, the spot will move away from the neck. That is what usually happens with a low-lying placenta.

I had one with DS1 at the 20W u/s. They did another one at 26W and it had moved. I had not had any spotting or other symptoms, but they did do the "pelvic rest" bit (DH was oh, so happy ;-) ).

08-17-2006, 08:08 AM
With my first I had a low lying placenta that they found during the 20 week ultrasound. It wasn't actually close enough to the cervix that they called it placenta previa. I had another ultrasound maybe 8 weeks later and it had already moved up enough that it wasn't even a concern.

08-17-2006, 08:10 AM
My friend had the same situation (she could have written your same exact post!) and it corrected itself. Her dr told her most do resolve themselves. She had more frequent u/s, which means you get to see your baby more often! She just delivered her baby 2 wks ago with NO complications!

Try not to stress..at least they know about it and can keep an eye on it.

08-17-2006, 08:16 AM
No personal experience, but just wanted to send you some big (((hugs)))!!

08-17-2006, 09:36 AM
That's what my OB told me. I had "low lying placenta" at 13 weeks which was discovered from some bleeding after a (mild) hiking trip. I followed all the restrictions and it moved up and was totally fine, no more bleeding. I think the earlier and the less it covers the greater chance it will move up. The ballon metaphor is the one that's most often used. I know it's so scary to see that bright red blood. Dr. also confirmed that blood was coming from the placenta and not the baby by US, which I'm sure yours did as well.

Oh yes, and I had a vaginal birth. Dr. said it was just "chance" where the egg happened to implant itself.