View Full Version : Beauty and The Beast

10-29-2006, 10:11 PM
Ok...forgive my ignorance, but I'm not totally up on a lot of the Disney fairy tales. Would somebody be able to give me a general idea of the story of Beauty and the Beast? I don't need every little detail, but in general is there magic/sorcery/witches involved? Just curious! Thanks.

Aunt to sweet baby boy
10-29-2006, 10:19 PM
The story begins with a beautiful girl who lives with her old eccentric father in a small town. There is a handsome arrogant man who has a crush on her but she is not interested.

In a castle in the forrest a young prince lives there with his family and a ugly woman comes to the door. the woman turns out to be beautiful. She asks to stay and he says no. She sets a spell on him to become a beast and she gives him a special rose. She tells him that if he does not kiss a woman before the last rose petal falls off he will be like that forvever.

The girl's father ends up next to the castle and he is put into the jail there by the beast. Belle, the girl, goes and rescues her father but she must stay in the castle.

long story short, Belle falls in love with the beast and they kiss just before the last rose petal falls.

I just read this story a few weeks ago to a child so i remember it pretty well. Let me know if you want more details.

Ilana, aka Nana to my sweet nephew Avi


10-29-2006, 11:08 PM
The old woman who comes to the door and asks for shelter is a witch. She places a spell over the castle and all who live there. The beast must find someone to love him (in spite of being a beast) before the last petal from the magic rose falls. The spell will be broken if he can find someone to love him.

So, yes, there are elements of magic...but it's not like they hit you in the face. Almost all Disney stories and fairy tales contain magic. There is much more to the story and the Disney movie of B&TB is great. One of my favorites. :) It was even nominated for best picture the year it was out.

Lots of good songs. :)
