View Full Version : Is there anything I can do?

12-20-2006, 01:05 PM
A friend is 31 weeks pregnant with #2. Her 1st was 6 weeks early and induced because her blood pressure skyrocketed. This week it's been up to about 140/80 and she's really worried. She is calling her doctor this afternoon and has an appointment tomorrow. I've offered to take her DS for a while or shop or whatever, but is there anything else, specifically, that can be done to help lower her pressure or make it less stressful on her?

12-20-2006, 01:41 PM
This is a huge worry of mine with any future pregnancies - I had pregnancy-induced hypertension starting around 33 weeks and was on modified bed-rest for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy. I can't even imagine doing that with another child already in the house, and it wasn't anywhere near the holidays.

It's probably not stress in the form of holiday stress, although that probably doesn't help. Shopping for her would help, as she probably should be off her feet as much as possible. She really has to see what her doctor says. For me, as long as I had my feet up my blood pressure was OK, but if I just went about my normal daily business it would shoot up.

Good luck!
Sarah :)

12-20-2006, 02:28 PM
you're such a sweet friend to want to help her....

keep her off her feet as much as you can! maybe get her a nice massage as a xmas gift as well (i'm big believer in massage and reflexology). i hope her BP gets under control and she can avoid another early delivery...

12-20-2006, 07:03 PM
Excellent idea. I just e-mailed another friend of ours and asked if she wanted to split it with me, since we don't exchange gifts with each other.

12-20-2006, 10:08 PM
To add to the other ideas-- Be her backup or make sure she has one. My girlfriend went from high BP to a dangerous situation in a very short amount of time, and it was absolutely necessary that she have someone available to get her preschooler & dog (and get her to the hospital). We stepped in on the dog, another friend stepped in to get her to the hospital and then pick up the preschooler for an extended sleepover. It all ended well, but it helped my friend & her husband not to have to worry about any of that.